Bangladesh court says Veil is only a personal choice not a must

via Courtesy: Hindu Media Monitoring Group published on May 8, 2010

High Court of a constitutionally declared Muslim country – Bangladesh, gave a path breaking verdict on 8th
April, 2010. Dhaka High Court in its verdict states that Muslim
women cannot be forced to wear the veil while at work or in public, it
should be their personal choice.

The Ruling says – “forcing a woman to wear the veil against her will” is considered a
“flagrant violation” of basic human rights “enshrined in the

Human rights organizations and members of civil society welcomed the
court ruling because it is a further source of protection of women’s
rights. However, some Islamic fundamentalist movements attacked the
judges, branding the move as “a conspiracy to destroy Islam in

This verdict given by Dhaka High Court will be an eye opener for those who claims to be champions of Islamic cause.

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