Stop the Mosque Campaign – Dr Babu Suseelan will address US protesters

via HK published on June 4, 2010

Newyork: Protests are mounting in America against the construction of proposed Mosque Near Ground Zero , where the 9/11 attack occurred.The 100 million mega mosque at ground zero is funded by Saudi Arabia.

Dr Babu Suseelan, Director of Indian Indian American Intellectuals forum will address  the protesters along with other renowned speakers in US.

Thousands of Americans along with the families of fire fighters and Police who lost their loved ones will join together on Sunday June 6th from 12 to 3 pm. Hundreds of Hindus  have expressed solidarity with the organizers Stop Islamisation of America – SIOA- headed by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.

Place:           Ground Zero,  Manhattan,  NYC
Date/Time:   Sunday, June 6th, Noon to 3PM
Buses:          Edison, NJ  (Dakshin Express, 1789 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ 08820)

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