Know more about RSS

By G V Chelvapilla published on December 26, 2015

“Namasthe, Sada Vatsale Mathru Bhoomi” is start of prayer in RSS. Nehru heard it while taking vacation in Kulu valley. We do not know what his reaction was, but we do know that once virulently anti RSS , fully knowing hollowness of his charge against it when Gandhi was assassinated,he banned it, yet the same person invited RSS participation in Republic day parade in 1963. When some one asked why, he replied they too are patriots. It is sterling patriotism of RSS which is by the way largest volunteer organization in the world, that made it stronger after each unjust ban imposed by Congress led governments, all bans inflicted on phony charges.

There is also another sentence in the prayer of RSS. Suseelam Jagatyena Sambrhamavet. We will dazzle the world with good character and conduct. This is typical Hindu philosophy which is viewed as all encompassing . Perhaps Hindu Dharma is the only one that emphasizes content rather than the label. Content of character supercedes all other distinctions and just being a Hindu or even being a vociferous advocate of Hindutwa does not guarantee a place either in the heaven or higher status on earth. Veda Vyasa said long time back, ‘ I am telling you with raised hand, even beyond the pale of Aryans ( Arya was synonymous with Hindu and both denote noble person) there are noble people.


In contrast Muhammad Ali, of Khilafat fame who was fully supported by Gandhi who as you know was known as Mahatma, said unless Gandhi becomes a Moslem he cannot enter heaven. So also the other proselytizer insists heaven’s gates are closed to any one else unless he converts to Christianity. Conduct and character are of secondary importance.

Hence all inclusive nature of Hindu Dharma for which RSS in India and Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh abroad work to preserve and inculcate the ageless values, makes it very natural for the Swayamsevaks, as the volunteers are called, to be part and parcel of host country, country of their migration in complete amity as well as attract participation of kindred souls of all nationalities and religions in their activities.

Swadeso Bhuvana trayam. All three worlds, (earth(Bhoomata), those below and those above) are our home lands.

Hence it is Bharatmata ki Jai in India and
Namamo Bhumimataram abroad.

PS: We realize there are skeptics, detractors, they too should go and attend Sakhas(branches) of either RSS or HSS and have first hand experience , look and learn rather than continue to harbor baseless prejudices . Especially take children, there is much to learn about our culture and civilization and very few places to learn about them even in India , but more so abroad. Hence they will also go home enriched.

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