365 Days of Modi in a Nutshell

via Narain Kataria in New York published on May 23, 2015

On the occasion of the First Anniversary of Modi Government, I am going to inform you in nutshell as to what actions Modi Government has taken to make India economically prosperous and militarily strong nation.  Here are some of the important initiatives taken by it.

Under the Jan Dhan Yojna, 115 million poor people have opened bank accounts which was considered almost impossible for them one year ago.  One hundred Smart Cities have been planned.  Three Mega Life Insurance and Pension Projects have been set in motions.

In order to reduce corruption Digital India Project has been launched.  Due to that Transparency International  has announced that in the 18 years, this is the first time that  India ranks below China in corruption list.  India has also improved in the index,  jumping 10 places.

The goal of the “Make In India” Project is to create millions of jobs for Indians, make India a manufacturing hub, bring billions of dollars in investment to India and make India self-sufficient in the field of arms manufacturing.

When UPA Government led by Sonia Gandhi and its cohorts was in power, we used to hear every other day about one scam or the other; Bofors Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam,   Coal Scam, Adardsh Scam, 2G Spectrum Scam,  and other scams.  Their job was to plunder poor Indians. But after the installation of Modi Government at the Center we have not heard even one of such  scams.  For this achievement, Modi Government deserves our heartiest adoration.

As a result of this, inflation is at all time low.  U.N. World Economic Report says that India’s economy is projected to grow at 7.6% this year and 7.7% in 2016 overtaking China.  There are more than 330 billion dollars in foreign reserves.   

Modi has put India on the track of a super power.  Modi has changed India from a very weak country to an assertive nation.  All over the world people are talking about the progress made by India in such a short period.  In  the last one year, the world’s perception about India has been completely metamorphosed.  World is watching at India’s progress with amazement and wonder.    The Times of India survey of May 16th says that Namo remains the best bet for India but he does not have the magic wand.  Dr. Natwar Singh, former Foreign Minister says that Narendra  Modi is the real leader whereas Dr. Manmohand Singh was not a leader at all.   Thus, Modi has become very popular Prime Minister in India.  Modi has a total number of 28 million followers on Facebook; out of which 12 millions  joined him this year.

Senior American expert Rick Rossow at the Center for Strategic Studies says that Modi’s first year in the office was the best for India in terms of economic recovery.  Christine Lagarde  of International Monetary Fund says that India is fuelling global economic growth.

Modi has created confidence, respectability and pride  in Indians about their culture, civilization and capability.  Indians all over the world feel that they are second to none.  People are looking towards Modi as the harbinger of hope.  He has used his consummate skills and untiring efforts to re-energize and reinvigorated their inner spirit and patriotism.  He is also using the potential of NRIs   to develop  Indian economy.

Modi has allotted 8 billion dollars for construction of warships.  He has approved six nuclear submarines for Indian Navy to combat the influence of Chinese Navy  in the Indian Ocean.  In view of the increased threat from Pakistan, a new naval base named after Sardar Patel near Porbandar  in Gujarat has been planned to strengthen surveillance and security apparatus  in the region.  In addition to  it,  India is developing Agni 6 missile and ICBM guidance system like China against warships and submarines.

Modi Government is building roads in the Himalayas.  BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles have been given to Indian army to counter Chinese in the North and North East India.  These missiles have the capability to hit the targets hidden behind mountains.

In addition to that India is developing two new Islands in the Indian Ocean from military point of view.
Modi has established cordial relations with America, Russia, UK, France, Germany, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Australia, South Korea and other countries.  He has signed agreement with China worth 22 billion dollars.  He is the first Indian leader who is handling China with great confidence and courage.  South Korea  has pledged $10 billions for infrastructure projects in India.  Japan will invest 35 billion dollars over the period of five years.  Modi is getting 36 jet fighters from France, 3000 metric  tons  of uranium from Canada and 500 tons of uranium from Australia.


Russia has agreed to build  ten more nuclear reactors in India.  America will supply India with an Aircraft  Carrier equipped with most modern missiles guidance system.  Israel in partnership with India is building most advanced anti-warship missiles.  As a result, soon India will be a great military giant  in the world.

Under Modi’s leadership, India government is going in for intelligence-packed “targeted kills” against terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir while military is  dominating  the line of control with Pakistan, forcing 30%  drop in both cross-border ceasefire violations as well as infiltration bids, reports The Times of India, dated May 22nd , 2015.   

Thus Modi has repositioned himself at the center-stage of the world.  Before Modi’s arrival on the scene, India was being ruled by minorities led by  Sonia Gandhi in collaboration with the deadly combination of Islamists and Marxists  forces.  Even though Hindus are the backbone of India – about 80% – they were treated as second class citizens in their own country.  They were denigrated, humiliated, demoralized and terrorized  into submission.  Had Indian people not voted Modi to power,  radical Islamists supported by de-Hinduized  corrupt and selfish  Hindu leaders,  would have almost  obliterated  Hinduism from the Indian soil in due course of time.

Now India is progressing in all directions with leaps and bounds.  However, the threat to India’s internal security from radical Islamists and Jihadists still persists.  At the moment  crafty radical  jihadists are lying low.  They are down but not yet out.  They have changed their strategy but not their goals.

Modi Government will, however,  be well advised to devise solid strategies at an early date to crush the diabolical designs of anti-national forces before they assume an alarming proportion to destabilize India.  Jai Ho.


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