20 million infiltrators to be made legal citizens

published on May 28, 2010

The citizenship rules direct that ‘during the verification process “particulars of such individuals whose citizenship is doubtful shall be entered with appropriate remarks in the population register.”

The current census enumerator is to fill the query number 11 about nationality by asking the person enumerated. It specifically mentions that “Please record the nationality of the respondent as declared by him/her for each of the person enumerated. Do not get into any argument with the respondent regarding this.” [Para 5.21.1 of General Instructions]. This is the Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) smuggled into the census structure to facilitate crores of illegal immigrants to be converted into a votebank through citizenship.When the citizenship rules ask for doubtful cases of citizenship to be identified and recorded, the census manual to collect information under the very citizenship rules says “do not doubt the respondent; just record what he says”. Incidentally, anyone who has entered India six months prior to census (Kasab is eligible under this category!) and if anyone intends to stay for six months after becomes “usual resident” under the census rules, and they can declare them as Indian citizens. Not only that, the government is planning to issue “National Identity cards” to these people though the cards are meant only for Indian citizens.

In a nutshell, India is going to make more than 20 million (estimated by previous home ministers) illegal immigrants (mostly from Bangladesh) as Indian citizens within a few months. By this subterfuge India will be the only country in the world which not only welcomes illegal immigrants but also confers citizenship and national identity cards to them.

Read Full Report by R Vaidyanathan


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