Why we need Hindu Rashtra?

published on November 25, 2009

India has a unique history. While the west and the middle east were living in darkness, India was at the zenith of civilization. Indian culture, philosophy, and richness were unparrlel in the history of the world. From 8th century onwards hords of Islamic invaderrs marched with their ferocious new found Islamism and swords to India. Muslims came to India as invaders, looted India’s wealth, mercilessly killed those who resisted brutal Islamic invasion, enslaved Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. Invading Muslims forcefully converted millions of Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs by the Islamic sword, destroyed temples, cultural institutions and learning centers. Islamic dictators were successful in erasing cultural memories and spiritual tradition. Uprooted people were forcefully enslaved with the Arab desert dogma. Centuries of brutal Islamic rule reinfocred the valueless values of Islam and the closed, dogmatic and non compromising Islamic thinking.
Since Islam is against democracy, pluralism, multiculturalism, tolerance and coexistence, converted Muslims became dogmatic and sectarian. Then The European Christians came to India, subdued Islamic rulers and established the colonial rule. Christian colonialists encouraged Muslims to retain their Islamic identity and hostility against Hindus.
The Christian colonialists colluded with Muslims against India’s spiritual tradition and moral foundation. It paved the way for Muslims to retain their Islamic identity and they use Mosques as center for islamic socialization. Everything ant-Hindu were promoted and Hindus were reduced to spineless jelly fish afraid to speak up. They have fallen prey to the corruption of the secular and have become watered down version of their Hindu self. Hindus were often more concerned with survival amidst discrimination, oppression and chaos. Hindus became a laughingstock, and frequent target of Islamic fanatics and Missionaries. They were successful in imposing their outdated, closed and reductionist theology on helpless Hindus. In response to these multilevel attacks, Hindus became paralyzed, hypnotized, and ostracized by corrupt politicians, colonial masters and Islamic fanatics.
There was no strong Hindu organizations other than few Bhakti movements. They were preaching Bhakti and saturated Hindus with chanting and Ahimsa as well as surrender and political non-involvement. They were not teaching or reminding Hindus to become politically active. As a result many Hindus thought coercive religious conversion and colonialism is predetermined and therefore beyond their control. It was a great disaster for Hindus. Muslims who are worldly gained political strength, established strong separate identity and were faithful to Allah and islamic value system. Muslims demanded their own way, throwing muscle power and tantrums like violent criminals.
During independence struggle under Gandhi, fear has overcome Hindutva, conformity to Hindu culture has replaced with conformity to Islamic and western values. The voice of Hindu leaders has been replaced by a cacophony of English speaking leaders like Nehru and Islamist Jinnah. The colonial masters encouraged and supported Muslim’s demand for a separate state. Indian leaders trained in the  secular, liberal agenda fell into the Islamic trap. Now separate islamic states exist on the west and east of India. In Kashmir, Nagaland and several parts of India, Hindus are a minority. If the present coercive religious conversion continuous, in several parts of India, Hindus will soon become extinct.
 Muslims residing in India still identify with the desert originated Arab dogma. Hindus are forced to tolerate the incursion of darkness. Muslims are organized and connected to rich Islamic states. Hindus still have a choice. They need to unite and declare India as a HIND RASHTRA. Rigid, dogmatic idealism of Marxism, Islam, Nazism and Fascism cannot help realize the ideals of humanity. The world needs a universal, systemic, pluralistic idealism. And a HINDU RASHTRA can promote liberal democratic system around the world with ideals of pluralism, universalism, coexistence, pace and harmony.

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