Why Temples are sacred

via Harinath published on March 17, 2007

Don’t consider sculpture or statue of God as same as human being or their sculpture. The study must be based on Vedic science and Tantrik procedure. It is not simply an art. Anybody can’t analysis these sculptures without a deep knowledge on Vedic science. Emotions of human life are related to seven ‘Chakras’ in human body. They are Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra), Svadhishtana Chakra (Sacral Chakra), Manipuraka Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra), Visudhi Chakra (Throat Chakra), Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra), Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra). ‘Sakthi’ starts to move from Muladhara Chakra which is situated at the lower part of spinal cord to Sahasrara Chakra which is situated at the upper part of head. This happens depends upon his spiritual encourage. Thus he knows everything.

In a dimension of view, temples have seven layers corresponding to seven Chakras. That is outermost circle to innermost circle. ‘Garbha griha’ and deity is situated at the innermost portion of temple. ‘Brahmin’ which means who knows ‘Brahma’ can only enters into this region. Garments and ornaments of deity/god and devotee are decided by the basis of Vedic knowledge. The time to time changing social law is not applicable here.

Temple is considered as Knowledge center. Information on all branch of Vedic science must be available here. Administration group and employees should believe in temple tradition. Otherwise the income and wealth of temple bypass into other hands.

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