Why India remained Hindu?

published on November 16, 2013

It was just 800 years back world’s greatest university, Nalanda existed and flourished with its great library. Do see the video below.

Narendra Modi talked about it in his speech in Patna. And this great university where 30,000 students (video mentions only 10,000), thousands more professors lived and learnt and taught, coming from all places in civilized world , then got destroyed . A great achievement of our Vedic culture a  great force for civilization, of mankind got obliterated. And just 500 years back another such place, further south in Vijayanagar, last great Hindu empire  where diamonds were sold in big measures like rice grain,also was ruined,.

In the history of India, 500 and 800 years , though may appear long at individual level, are not that remote. We could have recreated them again, as we have done before time and again say like with Somanath. Do see another video link given below about Gupta empire that existed in 323 CE  another era of Golden age of Hindu civilization . And this was followed by centuries later in Hampi Vijayangar. How our people fought back, struggled to preserve civilization and promote our Dharma is a story that is yet to be told.

Here are few instances that never made into history books edited by Marxists, Macaulites in the employ of secular dispensation of New Delhi committed to uphold only ‘giant contributions of Islam to India’.

When as noted above , all over north India great universities like Nalanda, Taxsila were put to torch, enormous knowledge preserved in books was being burnt to ashes, Madhwacharya collected as many books as possible and started an university deep south in Kerala.

Vedanta Desikacharya in Sri Rangam (in 1311 CE) was direct witness to attack on famous Sri Rangam temple by Malik Kafur sent by Allauddin Khilji. He killed 12,000 gentle Brahmanas , Vedenta Desika hid himself among the corpses holding on to only copy of Sudarsana Suri’s work. Sudarsana Suri himself got his eyes plucked out and his sons were killed. After the carnage and wave of inhuman atrocities are over, Vedanta Desika who went to Mysore got the work published.

Bammera Potana also belonged to same period of Malik Kafurs’ expeditions, He translated Srimad Bhagavatham into Telugu. Though stated as ‘translation’ it amounted to an inspirational original work that expanded over original Sanskrit work of Vyasa at many places, his work too had to be saved from Mohammedan attacks. Hence the book was buried in earth during the period. When waves of invasion were over, the book was brought to surface but some portions withered away being underground. So his disciples Yeligandala Naraiah, and others filled few portions that got lost.

Thus there were many more out side the fighting forces serving  Vedic or Hindu Dharma that is basis and foundation of India, who strove valiantly against great odds to save our precious heritage,

Swami Vidyaranya of Sringeri was instrumental to bring forth Vijayanagar empire into existence . At the time Kumbha Rana in Rajasthan defeated Allauddin Khilji and took him as prisoner in battle of Sangli. This allowed two converts to Islam, who were in his army as Generals, freedom. These two were brought to Hampi by Swami Vidyaranya, brought back to Hindu Dharma. They were Harihara and Bukka Raya , with Sringeri’s *wealth placed in their hands by Swami, Vidyanagar as it was known in the beginning in honor of Vidyaranya, the history of Vijayanagar got started, a golden era  reaching its zenith when Krishna Deva Raya ascended the throne.

All these are part of our history too. Still very little is taught about it in school texts except in a para or two, though Vijayanagar constituted ,covered much vaster area than Moghuls most of the time and lasted longer too. In fact it was from a subsidiary state of Vijayanagar, British first obtained lease to Madras to open their trade post.

It is only because of such saints,savants besides many heroes who took up arms, to day India remained Hindu, our civilization is alive and vibrant instead of being reduced to museum shelves like those of Arabia, Egypt or Persia. As such they are also responsible for democracy in India which otherwise would have been replaced by Islamic theocracy as are seeing in Pakistan, Bangladesh with absolutely no rights to minorities who are mowed down at will like people in North Korea,.

Thus for more than one reason we have to be thankful for our ancients, predecessors as well as those who are still active following their lead. In fact world in general, civilization in particular owe much to them as well. 

Like Somanath, Nalanda too will raise in near future. There has been no great power without great educational institutions. India is a potential great power. Furthermore prayers, penance as well as untold suffering endured by our people , will never go waste, the tears shed by victims of genocide by same forces that destroyed Nalanda will have the same effect on their tormentors like lightening, thunderbolts in thousands. 
Satyameva jayethe is our motto.

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