via HK Correspondant published on February 25, 2007

Imagine a Television station reporting that peace loving Hindus celebrating cultural festivals are in a communal frenzy! Now imagine that the same TV reporting Islamic terrorists gathered to galvanize communalists as peaceful religious gathering!  Finally, imagine that after all these hostile reporting against the majority community, the TV station has escalated venomous attack against Hindu organizational leaders. Unfortunately, you don’t have to imagine any of these things because they actually happened at Amrita TV News Division. Even worse, these are hardly isolated incidents. Simply put, news reporting practices of Amrita TV is in need of solid management, credibility, commitment and community accountability. The sad news is that Amrita TV News Division is fully under the control of hardcore, anti-Hindu card holding Marxists. They are committed Marxist agents hiding behind the News Division to inject anti Hindu venom in the minds of TV viewers. 

Many of the problems with Amrita TV’s News Division stem from a dramatic infiltration of Marxist Journalists and pseudo secular Jihadi supporters. Since 2005 anti Hindu reporting and politically motivated rhetoric has escalated. The myopic leftwing TV journalists create an artificial and jaundiced perspective on Hindu organizations and cultural activities. They are unable or unwilling to expose the real terrorists or anti national elements roaming all over Kerala. There are several Jihadi organizations and Missionary groups in Kerala, which mislabel and show false secular representations to hide their pervasive pretext. Amrita TV News Division seldom looks into their operations, financing, activities and conduct. Amrita TV’s deliberate and malicious reports to tarnish the reputation of Hindu intellectuals and its leaders is provocative. Drawing heavily on our own and majority of TV viewers experience, we have identified several instances where Amrita TV news division displayed their insensitivity, prejudice and blatant disregard of journalistic ethics. As evidence by the news reports of Amrita TV, the following instances are cited to show Amrita TV News Division’s lack of sensitivity, performance accountability, fair and balanced reporting.

  • Few months back Amrita TV program titled “Nadakame Ulakam” indirectly ridiculed Parameswarji (He was awarded “AMRITAKEERTHI PURASKARAM” by Mata Amritanandamai Devi) when he was giving lemon juice to RSS senior leader Valsan Thillenkeri while ending his fasting. 

  • Amrita TV news division denigrated the nationalist Valsan Thillenkari by comparing him to the notorious Bihar criminal Pappu Yadav who is now locked up in prison.  

  • The hardcore Islamic terrorist Abdul Nazer Madani and his supporting members of the terrorist organization NDF, its mouthpiece Thejas and their terrorist activities are projected as cultural expression.

  • RSS, Hindu Ayika Vedi and Hindu cultural activities are projected as communal disturbances by Amrita New & current affairs division.

  • Few months back Amma made a visit to RSS Head Quarter in Nagpur during the centenary celebration of Guruji. Amrita TV deliberately downplayed the news and warned to Amrita TV reporter who sent the news to the television station. 

  • Amrita TV has completely blacked out the Guruji Centenary celebrations conducted all over Kerala and the Hindu Maha Sammelan at Thiruananthapuram where thousands of people attended. 

  • Amrita TV showed its arrogance when it failed to properly telecast the Samadhi of Swamiji Sathyananda Saraswathi of Sri Ramadasa Matt. But the same channel broadcasted with live coverage of the funeral ceremony of Malankara Arch Bishop!.

  • The majority community is at a loss to understand how Amrita TV blacked out the recently concluded Cherkolpuzha Hindu Maha Sammelanan. 

  • Amrita TV was the only television channel in Kerala which openly demanded on the eve of the state assembly elections that hardcore Islamic terrorist Madani who is currently detained at Coimbatore jail should be released.

  • As per one of the Amrita current affairs program ‘Nadakame Ulakam’, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is a Hindu fascist and senior Hindu organization leaders in Kerala P. Parameswarji, Kummanam Rajasekharan, J. Sisupalan etc.. are also Hindu fascists!.   

  • It is invariably noticed Amrita News comparing an 80 year old nation’s biggest cultural organization RSS with a Kerala based deadly terrorist organization NDF. As per Amrita News division RSS-NDF is one coin of two sides. 

  • Since its inception Amrita News failed to report a single story about serious issues like forcible conversion, Islamic terrorist activities, Criminal activities by Marxists, Illegal cow killing across the state, government involvement over Hindu temples and institutions etc. 

What is real truth behind projecting Islamic terrorist organizations and Missionary sabotage activities as service to the nation? Evidence suggests that Amrita TV news Division is in complete control of the Marxists. These hidden agents of the Marxist party move around in a greater variety of ways to sabotage spiritual services of the Matt and Hindu organizations in Kerala. Amrita TV news division reflects the planning acumen, strategic techniques and sophistication of the Marxist party. 

 Amrita TV is under the control of the Mata Amritanandamaidevi Matt. The news division Chief Neelan is a card holding member of the Marxist party (CPM). The Chief Operating Officer (Marketing) Suresh Narayanan is another CPM man. The technical in charge of the Channel SMC Pillai is a close confident of the Marxist Party General Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan, an ardent anti Hindu. Apart from these, more than 80% of staffs selected for Amrita News & Current affairs division are identified as CPI(M) background journalists.

It is important that management leaders responsible for Amrita TV News Division respond to the urgent problem of unbalance, hostile and negative reporting on Hindus. It is equally important that they establish a supervisory management system to adopt a fair and balanced news reporting policies. Despite much progress over the past several years, there remains a web of Marxist agents that promotes anti-Hindu rhetoric and hostile propaganda against Hindu organizations.

Stale, inflexible, pseudo secular, anti-Hindu culture exists within the News Division of Amrita TV. The management must impose additional conditions to overcome these programming prejudices. A closer look at Amrita TV’s News reporting suggests that an entirely new team, a new approach, using fair and balanced reporting by fair-minded professionals is needed.

Amrita TV management must understand these challenges and recognize the stakes and find a solution to end the erosion of fairness and bias by enlisting guidance from some of the nation’s top nationalist and cultural leaders as well as professionals. Amrita TV must consult with Hindu organizations and community leaders to lay out a road map for improving the News Division performance.

As supporters of Amrita institutions, social services and the TV, we are not interested in assigning blame for the news division’s short coming to spiritual leaders of the Matam. Instead Amrita TV executives must pledge to roll up their sleeves to build realistic solutions to the ongoing prejudices of the news division Marxists. We are requesting Amrita TV executives to better utilize their resources to hire, recruit, and train fair-minded professional TV reporters and news anchorman. We support Amrita institutions, its peace mission, inspiring spiritual services and cultural goals.

We hope Amrita TV quickly reach a consensus about what some of the common characteristics of the solutions should be. They would look into the ideological affiliation of the news division staff, identify and address their hostility towards Hindus, Hindu cultural leaders and implement successful, all inclusive, innovative and fair, ethical news gathering and reporting systems to project the idealism and aspirations of the majority of Amrita TV viewers.

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