published on January 12, 2009

Here is a forthright review and analysis of
the security situation in
India by Shri Deivamuthu, Editor of
the “Hindu Voice” Mumbai. This urgent yet alarming article is titled
.  He warns of the impending danger
generated by half a dozen disintegrating factors: The author summarizes that
“Today our country – Bharat – is seized by six Yamahs (6Ms) – Mullahs,
Missionaries, Marxists, Mecaulayists, Media and Maino. Collectively and
singularly they have no love for Hindu Dharma, Hindu Culture and Hindu
Civilization……While most Hindus are busy in their daily chores like earning
a living, making money, celebrating festivals, enjoying their lives, etc., our
adversaries have hatched very sinister plans to enslave us politically and then
obliterate Hindu Dharma from the Indian soil. … 

Krishan Bhatnagar





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By P. Deivamuthu, Editor,
Hindu Voice, Mumbai.

[email protected]

Tel: 022-28764418, 28764460,


The Facts


Can you visualise a scene where your son/daughter
or your grandson/granddaughter succumbs to the bullet of a terrorist when they
are doing some shopping or worshipping at a temple? Can you imagine a situation
where your children or grandchildren are forced to leave your house and take
asylum somewhere else? Or can you reconcile to the fact that they are forced to
give up Sanatan Hindu Dharm and convert to an alien religion? Today, even just
a thought on these lines will send shiver down your spine. But it has happened
and is going to happen if you are not awake. Just look at the following facts.


1.  200 (two hundred) years ago Hindus in Kandahar (Afghanistan)
were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and
Kirtans. Today there is no one. There are only Al Qaedas and Talibans,
enforcing Shariat law of ‘eye for an eye’, ‘leg for a leg’, etc.

2.   100 (hundred) years ago, Hindus in Lahore and Karachi (which
derives their name from Lav and Kush, the sons of Sri Ram) were observing the
Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans.  Today
there is none. All have vanished into thin air. After the creation of Pakistan
in 1947, by dividing our Motherland Bharat, it was named ‘Islamic Republic of
Pakistan’ and became an Islamic country. Hindus who formed nearly 24% of Pakistan
at the time of partition, have been reduced to less than 1% today.

3.   50 (fifty) years ago, Hindus in Srinagar (Kashmir) too were
observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and
Kirtans. Today no one is left there to do so. All have been chased away, and
are living like refugees in Jammu and Delhi. 


Considering the above historical facts, 50 (fifty)
years from now, will you (or your son/daughter or grand son/grand daughter) be
able to perform Pooja and sing Bhajans and Kirtans? Will our country remain
democratic and secular. Will your children have the freedom of thought and
expression? Logic says ‘NO’. Social demography also confirms this. Symptoms too
point out towards that stark eventuality (I can give you hundreds of examples):


The landscape of Bharat has continuously been
shrinking. The world Muslim population is about 130 crores, but there are 57
Islamic countries. The world Christian population is about 200 crores. There
are nearly 150 countries where Christianity wields supreme. The world Hindu
population is nearly 110 crores. Is there a single country for Hindus?


Is this the legacy you want to leave behind for
your sons and daughters? If not, get up from your deep slumber and face the
challenge, before it is too late. Before knowing about the challenges, we
should go into the background of our Nation.
Bharat is a land of Sants and Rishis. Many Gods and Rishis have taken avatar in
this land – Raam, Krishna, Mahavir, Bhuddha, Adhi Shankara, Guru Nanak, etc.
That is why it is called Devbhoomi, Punyabhoomi, etc. For us, it is the
Motherland (Mathrubhoomi), and we worship Her as “Bharat Mata”.


Bharat has all along been a de facto Hindu Nation,
although it has been ruled by Muslims and Christians for nearly 1000 years.
There is no country in the world which, after being enslaved for nearly 1000
years, takes rebirth as one country.  Bharat did so, in spite of so much
diversity in the name of caste, language, region, etc. This oneness was due to
the spiritual and cultural unity of Bharat, which in other words is called
Hindutva. Moreover, Spiritualism and Nationalism have always been interlinked
in Bharat. For example, in a Pooja, the ‘sankalpa’ begins with “Bharata varshe,
Bharata kande, Jambu Dweepe …”, a clear reference to Motherland. India can
remain united only on the basis of Hindutva, i.e. Hindu Principles, which
encompasses everything humanity stands for. Even today Bharat is a Hindu
Nation; otherwise democracy and secularism could not have survived.


Today one fears that history is being repeated and
Bharat may once again slip into the hands of forces inimical to democracy and
secularism, who may rule Bharat as dictators enforcing their religious dogmas
on Hindus. It is therefore the duty of every citizen believing in peace,
tolerance and pluralism, to raise his voice against Adharm – any force
that tries to destalibise the spiritual and cultural unity of Bharat. When Dharm
becomes a mute spectator as in Mahabharat, Adharm will rule the roost,
which will ultimately lead to Kurukshetra. If we have to avoid another Kurukshetra,
we have to recognise the dangers that engulf us and take remedial measures to
avert them. Now what are the challenges?


Today our country – Bharat – is seized by six
Yamahs (6Ms) – Mullahs, Missionaries, Marxists, Mecaulayists, Media and Maino.
They have no love for Hindu Dharma, Hindu Culture and Hindu Civilization.
Unless we get rid of these 6Ms, Hindus will not be able to live in peace.


(I must make it very clear that when I say Mullahs
and Missionaries, I am not talking abut common Muslims and Christians, who are
equal citizens of this country like Hindus. No one can deny religious freedom
to any community. Left to themselves, Muslims and Christians would make out to
be true nationalists. But it is the Mullahs and Missionaries who use them as
pawns in their power brokering, by having a vice-like grip over them.)


A brief description of the 6Ms syndrome is as


A. Mullahs

Whether you call them Mullahs or Maulvis, it is
they who hold the real power under Islam or in an Islamic country. They hold a
powerful control over their followers, by way of issuing ‘fatwas’, i.e.
religious edicts. In a country like India, the Maulvis declare that their fatwa
supersedes even court decisions, because according to them, Muslims are
supposed to follow only the Shriat Law (made by Allah) and not civil laws which
are man-made.


But strangely, the UPA Government has
filed an Affidavit in the Supreme Court stating that the fatwas of Maulvis do
not interfere in the normal functioning of our laws. And strangely, even our
Courts bend over backwards in this sinister design.


For example – 12 MLAs in the Kerala Assembly took
Oath in the name of Allah. A man filed a PIL in the Kerala High Court saying
that taking Oath in the name of Allah is unconstitutional. The Kerala High
Court overruled the objection. He again went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme
Court too held that taking Oath in the name of Allah is similar to taking Oath
in the name of God, i.e. Allah and God are the same. Now, many Mullahs and
Maulvis have declared that they do not recognise ‘God’ and it is only Allah for
them. That means, when Muslims themselves declare that God is not Allah, how
come our Supreme Court declares that God and Allah are the same. It is like
giving a good character certificate to a man who himself admits that he is a


Many times, the fatwas issued by them make living
difficult even for a common Muslims, or forcibly separates husband from wife,
causing great hardship to their children – sometime even leading to
prostitution. But still, they stick to their fatwa, however impractical or
immoral it may be, as it is according to Shriat Law. (I have come out with a
book titled “180 Hard Facts of Religious HIV – Hatred, Intolerance and
Violence” which documents these facts).


 Mullahs and Maulvis have a vested interest in
keeping the Muslim community backward and illiterate, so that it submits to
them and always looks for their guidance (fatwa). Because, once awakened, they
will start questioning them. By often proclaiming that ‘Islam is in danger’
they create a fear psychosis in the community and keep them in ghettos. A few
intellectual Muslims feel helpless, as it is the Mullahs who have a sway over
the community.


B. Missionaries

Missionaries, not to confuse with ordinary
Christians, are indeed ‘merchants of religious dogmas’. Wherever they have
gone, they have destroyed the local culture to establish the Kingdom of Christ.


According to Dr. David Frawley (Acharya Vamadeva
Shastri): “The missionary business remains one of the largest in the world and
has enormous funding on many levels. It is like several MNCs with the different
Catholic, Protestant and Evangelical groups involved. There are full time
staffs and organizations allocating money, creating media hype, plotting
strategies and seeking new ways to promote conversion. The local native
religion has about as much chance against such MNC incursions as a local food
seller has if McDonald’s moves into the neighbourhood with a slick, well funded
advertising campaign targeting his customers.”


“In fact missionary activity is like an ideological
war. It is quite systematic, motivated and directed. It can even represent a
blitzkreig using media, money, people and public shows to appeal to the masses
in an emotional way. Therefore, with missionary activity we … are talking
about a religious effort towards world conquest that is quite happy to put an
end to other religious traditions – that looks to establish one particular
religion for all human beings, in which diversity of human religions is
discredited and forgotten.” ( Ref: David Frawley – “The Ethics of Religious


They reach remote areas to work among tribals. In
the name of service, they convert Hindus. They do not hesitate to even resort
to violence if their work is hampered. The recent gruesome murder of the
84-year old Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati is a classic example. They took the
help of their foot soldiers – Maoists and Naxalites – to accomplish this task.
It is reported that a few of their rank were bought over by the Church for
eliminating the Swami.


Missionaries are hate-mongers too. A
Booklet – Satya Darshini – prepared and distributed by Missionaries in
Mangalore describes Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh as lecherous. The book says
‘Urvashi – the daughter of Lord Vishnu – is a prostitute.  Vashitha is the
son of this prostitute.  He in turn married his own Mother.’ Naturally,
Hindus are furious at these insults to their Gods, sometime leading to violent


The Missionaries are adapt at spreading lies and
canards, to attain their goal of harvesting souls. Many of the Hindus who
follow them become fanatics and ‘mentals’. (My book titled “180 Hard Facts of
Religious HIV – Hatred, Intolerance and Violence” documents these facts).


C. Marxists

Marxists, or the Communists, are the sons of Karl
Marx, who said that ‘religion is the opium of masses’. They claim to be
atheists, but their atheism is limited only to Hinduism. They never question
the existence of Islamic and Christian Gods. 


For the ordinary people, unaware of the niceties of
ideological differences, all Communists are the same – violent prone, and it
really does not matter whether different segments call themselves as CPI,
CPI(M) or CPI (Marxist-Leninist).


They have their masters in China and Russia. The
Communists have never considered Bharat as one nation. Their claim is that
India is a State of different Nations, and will one day break up just like the
former Soviet Union. They demand ‘self-determination’ for the people of
Kashmir, but on the same breadth refuse similar rights to Tibetians (which is
occupied by China). They were the stooges of Britishers and opposed
independence to our country. While communism has collapsed all over the world,
somehow in India it is still alive – to the extent that till the other day it
was doing the back seat driving in the UPA Government. They never believe in
democracy and secularism.

About 3 crore Muslims have illegally infiltrated into
India, via West Bengal. The Communist Government of West Bengal, not only
cordially welcomes them, but also provides them with Ration Card and ultimately
voters card. And such illegal Bangladesh immigrants become their major vote

During 1942 the Communists were more loyal to the British than the King of
England. They heaped insults on Gandhiji, Subhas Chandra Bose and Jayaprakash Narayan,
and ran down the Quit India Movement as an indication of bankruptcy of ideas.
They sided with China in the Sino-Indian conflict in 1962. That, surely, was
the most traitorous act, and so far, no apology has come from the party. The
CPM has turned out to be just an Indian branch of the Chinese Communist Party.
Maoists and Naxalites are their foot soldiers. They wholeheartedly defend them
in all their violent activities.
Luckily the people of India have marginalised them to only three states – West
Bengal, Kerala and Tiripura. But that is not sufficient. Communism should be
thrown out of India.


D. Media

When we talk of Media, it is the English media, both print and
electronic, which is in focus. Most of our English media is serving foreign
interests. Whatever good that is happening in India does not attract their
attention. But every small incident is blown out of proportion and shown to the
international world, to deride India. Some newspapers even act as the
mouthpiece of some foreign countries.

The 26th biennial general body meeting of the Catholic Bishops Conference of
India (CBCI) was held in Thrissur (Kerala) from 7th to 14th January 2004, to
debate over religious conversions. About 150 Bishops, 26 Archbishops and three
Cardinals attended the conference. The Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu, N.Ram, the
Chief of Bureau of NDTV in Chennai, Jennifer Arul, and the General Editor of
the Mangalam group of publications, K.M. Roy too attended the Meet. What was
their role in a purely closed-door religious session is anybody’s guess. Mr.
Ram is also a card-holding Communist. He has made many trips to China and is
promoting Chinese interests in India.

According to KPS Gill some of the media organisations
are actually front offices for terrorist groups. He might have had in mind
journals like Tehelka, Communalism Combat, etc. Karan Thapar, a noted
journalist, desired for the ‘sudden elimination’ of Narendra Modi.

“Genocide” “Holocaust” are the words used by the media for the riots in
Gujarat. But when a real “Genocide” took place in Dellhi in 1984 (killing of
Sikhs under Congress rule) and Sangrur and Nandigram in West Bengal under CPM
Rule in 2008, they kept mum. Their ‘secular’ Dharm is to call a “genocide” as
riot and a riot as “genocide”.

The ‘secular’ media

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