Three Point Agenda for a peaceful and lasting solution in Kannur

published on April 1, 2008

Joint Press Release issued by Shri P.Paramaswaran, Director Bharatayeeya Vichara Kendram, Thiruvananthapuram and Dr.K.I. Vasu, founder president Samanvaya, Bangalore at the press conference held in Bangalore on the 31st of March, 2008

Kannur district of Kerala has gained country wide publicity for the politics of violence lasting over four decades, which still continues unabated. It might appear strange that a state known for its near total literacy should have major pockets where people resort to brutal killings and arson on the basis of political and ideological differences and that it should continue for so long without any   respite.

Right thinking people all over the country are naturally concerned about these uncivilized and inhuman trends of events

To find a lasting solution to these recurring problems, it is necessary to understand this phenomenon in a proper perspective. It has a long history of which the general public in Kerala, and much more so outside, is not aware. The deep seated hatred for the Sangh Parivar which is inbuilt in the Communist- Marxist psychology had first come to light way back in 1948 January when a protest procession organized by Communist inspired students barged into an RSS rally which was being addressed by Guruji Golwalkar at Thiruvananthapuram. It had no provocation what so ever. In the year 1949 again there were two organized attacks, one at Kozhikode and the other at Alleppey where Sri Guruji was addressing gatherings of Sangh Swayamsevaks. At that period RSS was not a force to reckon with in Kerala. These attacks were pre-meditated and motivated by sheer intolerance and were totally unilateral.

As the Sangh grew and became more and more popular, vicious propaganda was unleashed by the Communist party and its media. It is in the 1950s that the RSS work spread into the northern part of Kerala, particularly Kannur district. Communist party had already made Kannur district its stronghold. RSS Pracharaks who went to Kannur for starting the work were not only threatened but social boycott including denial of boarding and lodging facilities were organized against them. They had to take shelter in places like railway platforms. As Sangh work grew in spite of all these, physical attacks were resorted to that continued with temporary intervals to this day with varying degrees of intensity

During the emergency period, there was a sort of informal truce because both the RSS and the Communist party were victims of repression and persecution. In fact both spent their jail terms together in various jails. As a consequence, when the emergency was lifted and the election held, both worked almost hand in hand to defeat the congress. But that was short-lived. RSS by its sincere participation in the anti emergency struggle had earned wide popular support which was   reflected in that voting pattern. It was obvious that the Sangh had made in-roads into the Marxist strongholds in the Kannur district. This unnerved the Marxists. Thereafter they took to all sorts of hostile activities, including physical liquidation of Sangh and BJP workers. The 1980’s saw a high tide of anti-Sangh murder politics which accounted for dozens of worker’s lives lost

Following these, there was a general uproar and leaders like EMS Nampoothirippad, EK Nayanar, BMS leader D.P.Thengidi and CITU leader P.Ramamurty used their good office to bring about an improvement in the situation. There was a meeting of some leaders in Kochi and even an agreement was drafted. But the state level leadership of the CPI(M) refused to follow it up.

One strange and remarkable aspect of this politics of murder is that the CPI(M) did not confine its opposition to the Sangh and the BJP alone. All  other political parties were also at the receiving end. It was sheer intolerance, unbecoming and unacceptable in a democratic set up. The naked truth is that the CPI(M) considers the whole of the Kannur district as their sole preserve and they have a monopoly of power in the district. No other party could work unhindered and exercise their fundamental rights provided by the constitution. If anyone tried to break this unwritten law it would be at their own peril.
There is another subtle psychological reason for the CPI(M) to indulge in open attacks on the Sangh Parivar. It is part of their strategy to win over the massive minority support in the deeply communalized atmosphere in Kerala. Their open claim is that they are the only bulwark against the RSS from freely annihilating the minorities. It is CPI(M), they claim that gives protection to the Minoritiy Communites from the threat of ‘Hindu Fundamentalists’.
It is a well known fact, publicly admitted by one and all, except the CPI(M) that in the Kannur District there are many Panchayats with hundreds of  polling booths where the fundamental rights of free democratic elections had never been allowed during all these years because the Marxist Party physically take control over them and decide who should vote and who shouldn’t .This has created a fear psychology and an inferiority complex in the minds of workers and voters of all other parties in large areas of Kannur district. It is a matter of “CPI(M) controlled Democracy” and “CPI(M) managed elections”. There is simmering discontent which no government so far could successfully address.        

The latest series of killings have to be seen in the light of this long history of suppressions, intolerance and physical aggressions. Unless this truth is understood and the injustice involved is remedied, fully and absolutely, and free exercise of electoral right restored, there cannot be a peaceful and lasting solution .There is no piecemeal or half hearted solution which can settle the issue once and for all.

It seems that there should be a three point agenda which should be understood and accepted by all parties concerned particularly by the CPI (M):

1)    CPI(M) should abandon the doctrine of  “Special Political Zone(SPZ)” sought  be imposed over Kannur district.

2)    CPI(M) should accept that the Sangh movement is an abiding reality in Kannur district as much as in any other part of the Indian Republic. This is a hard fact which cannot be wished away or denied by the practice of the philosophy of liquidation. Shakhas are an inalienable part of it.

3)    They should give up the vicious belief that RSS baiting including politics of murder can be a successful strategy  to keep the minority community on their side in the electoral politics.Even the Minorities are intelligent enough not to fall into the trap. Nor is it fair or practicable except for a short while, by misuse of Governmental machinery.

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