Malappuram: When a population of 125 crore people enjoy a feeling of security under the administration of Narendra Modi, ISIS and Al Qaeda can never conquer the Muslims of Bharat-… (Posted on February 2, 2016)
A recent statement made by Bishop Cleemis against Shri Vellappally Natesan about “trying to consolidate all Hindu communities on a common platform” created a stir among media houses, especially TV’s… (Posted on January 2, 2016)
If you think that education makes one wise, truthful, compassionate, tolerant and forgiving then you’re totally wrong. The educated in India are outrageously more dangerous than the illiterate. Uneducated fools… (Posted on December 13, 2015)
“If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the… (Posted on November 25, 2015)