Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi

published on January 12, 2008

Without much fanfare Nationalistic youth celebrated National Youth Day – Birthday of the greatest son of Bharath Swami Vivekananda

Although January 12th has been declared as ‘National Youth Day’ to honor the great leader of Bharath, Still majority of the youth is not even aware about this! The list of various days in our National calendar goes endless like Children’s day, Teacher’s day, Martyr’s day and so on.The whole administrative machinery makes sure those days are celebrated with various programs across the Nation, But unfortunately ‘National Youth Day’ seems to be forgotten.

Without second thoughts one can easily say that Swami Vivekananda was the most famous and influential Hindu spiritual leader who instilled the sense of Pride and Nationalism among Bharatheeyas.

Swami Vivekananda gave the clarion call to all Bharatheeyas , especially to the youth to be proud of their great culture and propagate the noble ideals of Sanathana Dharma across the globe. Swamiji’s call came at a time Indian youth were developing fascination for alien cultures. Vivekananda’s message of courage, self-confidence and social service to the society is still the guiding force for thousands of Nationalistic Youth.

Swamiji introduced the world of Yoga and principles of Adwaitha infront of whole world , which still draws people from all walk of life across the globe towards Hinduism.

Swamiji was one of the first to refute Aryan invasion theory propagated by Christians to divide Indians. Although we had many takers for Max Muller’s theory, especially among Communist Historians-The truth was now proved infront of the whole world byvarious scholars.

Swamiji rose into fame when he attended World Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893. Unstoppable thereafter, he spiritually conquered the colonial conquerors of India! Swamiji won the heart of millions of world audeinces with his matchless intellect and oratory.

Inspired from Swamiji’s teaching, Thousands of youth made themselves destined for the freedom of the nation and nation-building tasks as their prime aim. Best part of the great freedom fighters of Bharath drew inspiration from the life of this Saffron clad youth.

Swamiji was instrumental in Hindu Revivalism in Kerala by his sarcastic comment that Kerala-the land of Lunatic Asylum –witnessing the caste based atrocities prevalent then , Swamiji sowed the seeds of Hindu revival. The Hindu Soceity was forced to introspect and Swamiji’s shock treatment acted as a catalyst to future Hindu revival movement in Kerala.

Nine Volumes of Vivekananda’s complete works is still considered as the fundamental texts for anyone interested in Hindu Philosophy . The need of the Hour for our youth to look forward to mould the coming generation is to know who he was, what he did, and why he is important to us today.

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