Swami Satyananda Saraswati passes away

via HK Correspondent published on November 24, 2006

THIRUVANANTHAPURAMJagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswati, head of Sreeramadasa Ashram and a frontline campaigner of several Hindu rights movements in Kerala, passes away today morning. Swamiji was 71 and was keeping indifferent health for quite some time.


Swamiji’s real name was Sekharan Nair and he was born in a middle class family in Andoorkonam near here. After teaching science in a high school for a few years, he became disciple of Neelakanta Gurupadar and chose to lead an ascetic life.


Sathyananda Saraswati shot to fame in early 1980s by organising a mass movement for establishing the right of Sabarimala shrine over the vast stretches of land at Nilakkal area.  


Swamiji was instrumental in unifying Hindu society in Kerala by organizing mass movement for establishing the right of Sabarimala shrine over the vast stretches of land at Nilakkal area. Swamiji was always in the forefront to help the misguided Hindus in the state who had over dozed with false isms like Secularism and Communism.


A religious scholar and inspiring orator, Swamy was the founder-editor of the Punyabhoomi daily. He had also played a key role in forging unity of Hindu organisations in the state since the 1970s.


Swamiji has had inborn spiritual disposition that flowered as he grew up and had the Darshan of Sree Krishna as a 12 year old and even played with the Lord. On the eve of the departure to Himalayas Gurupadar summoned Him to the Ashram and Swamiji spent three years with Gurupadar. After the Samadhi of Gurupadar Swamiji performed fourteen-year-long penance on Sree Lalita Tripurasundari with a rigorous regime of conducting Poojas five times a day. Such an intensity of Sree Lalita Upasana has only been recorded in the live of Adi Shankara. Swamiji realised the Divine Mother and at Her Divine Command has been engaged in the comprehensive uplift of the Indian society.


Swamiji had conducted number of historical speeches in India and abroad to promote Sanathana Dharma.

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