Somayaga at Kozhikode

published on August 28, 2013

Somayaga is a Vedic ritual performed as prescribed in the Vedas. Vedic ritual means the Yajna itself. The Yajnas conducted by the Rishis stretch from Agnihothra to Somayaga and Aswamedha etc. Just as Veda mantras are not prayers meant for self gratification, the Yajnas in which Veda mantras are used are not meant for the gratification of the selfish needs of the Yajamana. On the other hand, they have been envisaged and developed for the general welfare of the world. Yajnas are required for eradicating selfish thoughts amongst people as well as creating abundance in the world. Thus it is a confluent and outcome of the farsightedness, philosophical approach, and scientific temperament of the Rishis. It is said that the Yagas are an intrinsic constituent of the very process of creation.

Since eons, in Kerala Somayaga has been carried out on the banks of the river Nila or thereabouts. Historically, there are many reasons attributed to it. It has been conducted very rarely. Perhaps, it is for the first time since centuries that a Somayaga is being conducted in Kozhikode. Ever since Acharya M. R. Rajesh had embarked on the journey of disseminating Vedic knowledge to all, Calicut has become a cradle of Vedic activities. Not only in India, but even on a worldly scale, it is in Calicut that maximum number of people are carrying out the Vedic practices of Sandhya Vandanam and Agnihothra on a daily basis. In circa 2008, a Shroutayajna called Pavithreshti was conducted in Calicut.
The Rishi had prophesied from that forum that a Somayaga will be conducted in the year 2014. We need to conduct the Somayaga on the land which is turning out to be a field for the renaissance of Sanathana Dharma. It is the Agnishtoma Somayaga which is going to be conducted in Kozhikode. This Agnishtoma is the most basic of all the Somayagas.

Literarily Agnishtoma means the praise of Agni. A National Vedic seminar and an exhibition will also be conducted on the side lines of the Somayaga. Many scholars from within and out side Kerala shall participate in the seminar as well as other ensuing functions.

Lakhs of disciples of the Rishi have by now sworn in to successfully conduct the first ever Somayaga at Calicut, conducted from 13th to 19th February 2014. This endeavor of conducting the highly distinguished Somayaga can be successful only by the earnest participation of one and all in whatever capacity they can.

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