Significance of Sri Krishna Jayanthi

published on August 27, 2013

On this day, also known as ‘Janmashtami’, Shri Krushna’s Principle is thousand times more active as compared to other days. On this day, chanting ll Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya ll and worshipping Shri Krushna with spiritual emotion helps in obtaining maximum benefit of His principle.

Chanting of His Name invokes His presence within oneself, since God and His Name are one. All the qualities that are in Shri Krushna are there in His Name. Thus, repeating His Name will surely herald His presence and blessings in life.

The birth of Shri Krishna is celebrated at midnight on Shri Krishna Jayanti. This year it falls on August 28, 2013.

According to the Hindu lunar calendar, Shri Krishna was born on the eighth day (ashtami) of the second (dark) fortnight of the month of Shravana at midnight, when the moon was in Vrushabh formation with the lunar asterism, Rohini. Five thousand years ago, He incarnated, at the end of the third cosmic era, ‘Dwapar Yuga’ and the beginning of the present era, ‘Kali Yuga’. The divine principle (tattva) of Shri Krishna is most active on this day of the year.

Sree Krishna Jayanti is especially significant from the viewpoint of establishing Righteousness (Dharma), and surrendering unto The Lord.

Significance and Celebration

Fasting the whole day through, the birth of infant Krushna is celebrated at midnight on Shri Krushna Jayanti. At midnight, Arti (the ritual of waving lit lamps) is performed.

His statue is placed on a swing and with devotion, it is offered many sumptuous sweet dishes. The fast is also ended by parting this Prasad (Holy sacrament) at midnight or by partaking dahikala (a preparation from curds) the next morning.

People incorrectly think that Shri Krishna loved butter and so offer butter to Him. In fact, He ate butter because the evil king Kansa taxed the people, and in order to pay their taxes, they were forced to sell butter. To prevent these civilians from suffering and caving into the unrighteous demands of the king, Shri Krishna would eat or spill their butter. In doing so, He taught the people to develop a fighting spirit (kshatravrutti) and not to tolerate injustice in any capacity.

Temples are decorated for the occasion. Kirtans are sung, bells are rung, the conch is blown, and Sanskrit hymns are recited in praise of Shri Krishna. At Mathura (a city in North India, near the birthplace of Shri Krishna), special spiritual gatherings are organized at this time. Pilgrims from all over India attend these festive gatherings.

Significance behind the celebration

Establishing Righteousness

“Where there is Krishna, there is Dharma, where there is Dharma, there is victory. Since Duryodhana, leader of the Kauravas, did not observe Dharma, he did not have Krishna. No Krishna, no victory.”- Sage Ved Vyas

His teachings in essence

During the Mahabharat war Shri Krishna uttered 700 shlokas (holy verses) in the form of the ‘Bhagavat Gita’ to convince the reluctant Arjuna to fight his own kith and kin to reinstate Righteousness (Dharma). The Lord finally uttered the essence of His teachings in the following verse (18/66) : “O Arjun! Forsake all your personal beliefs and surrender to me. Do not lament, for I shall deliver you from all sins.”

Devotion Increasing

Not only is His principle (tattva) most active on Krishna Jayanti, but in present times His energy is 100% manifest, and He rushes to the aid of the devotee who surrenders unto Him. His devotees long to feel closer to Shri Krishna every day and not just on Shri Krishna Jayanti. To invoke Shri Krishna’s principle the best solution is to repeat Shri Krishna’s Name as follows: “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” continuously through every action.

Deriving maximum benefit

To derive maximum benefit from Krishna Jayanti, devotees can daily make conscious efforts through chanting and prayer to surrender at the Lord’s lotus-feet. Such spiritual practice would equip one to participate in establishing Righteousness by spreading the importance of Spirituality to others, removing misconceptions about it and helping curb incorrect practices.


Nowadays, on the occasion of Sree Krushna Jayanthi, shobhayatras are conducted all over, where in little children dress themselves as Krushna/Radha. While conducting a Shobhayatra, we can take care of the following points, so as to make it an ‘ideal’ one and get maximum benefit :

1.    Inorder to avoid traffic block, we can walk on one side of the road during the procession.

2.    Do not sing film songs / play ‘band’ during shobhayatra. Instead, sing bhajans or devotional songs or chant continuosly during the procession.

3.    Start and end the procession at the precise time. Tell the children  who are participating in the procession, to chant Sree Krushna’s Name as ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’.

Source : Hindu Janajagruti Samiti
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