Secular Rantings of a Communal Communist

via HK published on October 2, 2006

Kerala Chief Minister Achutanandan, in his  Gandhi Jayanthi speech warns about the increased activity of Terrorists in Kerala and urges all secular minded to fight against it!
What right Achutanandan and his party have to speak about SECULARISM? The following picture itself is self explanatory.Shameless Communist where never bothered about these communal elements when they begged votes with the picture of an Islamist Terrorist Abdul Nasser Madni!   

click here to zoom

Gone are the days, which  Marxist party canvassed elections with the Photos and Posters of Marx, Engels, and Stalin nor of Comrade EMS,AKG or Krishna Pillai.
This time the Marxist posters where decorated with a new face.Few old comrades with difficulty in vision even misunderstood that personality as Karl Marx because of the beard and they even commented that “Marx’s photo seems to be much Younger this time”!
This is that new Marx for our Marxists in Kerala, The Deadly Jehadi Terrorist Abdul Nasser Madni and what right these Sponsors of terrorism have to speak about SECULARISM?

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