Rejuvenate Vedic River Sarasvati, urges Sarasvati Conference

via Courtesy:Dr. S.Kalyanaraman published on November 4, 2008

Over 50 well-known scholars, scientists and researchers in the disciplines of glaciology, geology, remote sensing, earth sciences, life-sciences, archaeology, ancient texts and literature, civilization studies, hydrology and 


 management participated in the Conference organized by Aim for Seva and Sarasvati Research and Education Trust at India International Centre, New Delhi (24-26 Oct. 2008)

The following is their consensus.

1. The River Sarasvati played a great role in the lives of the Vedic people of India for millenia. The achievements of the people of the Sarasvati region were extraordinary. The great Vedas, the Vedic Sanskrit language, and cultural symbols and practices that originated on the banks of the river Sarasvati have been indelibly associated with the collective consciousness of the people of India forming a Hindu civilizational continuum over thousands of years. This is exemplified by many cultural facets, namely for example, (i) discoveries of fire altars in sites such as Kalibangan and Lothal; (ii) discovery of shivalinga in Harappa and Kalibangan; and (iii) discovery of two terra cotta figurines of ladies wearing sindhur in the parting of their hair—all of which form even today part of our religious and cultural tradition.

2. The extensive research in the recent years done by a variety of scholars removes any lingering doubt on the reality of the great River Sarasvati and the associated civilization which constituted the roots of Hindu culture and abiding tradition. This research also conclusively establishes that the great and geographically vast civilization represented by the early Hakra ware communities, followed by the early, middle and mature Harappan phases of development and the highly evolved Sarasvati civilization are in fact one and the same.

3. Vedic River Sarasvati already stands rejuvenated above the ground in Haryana and in parts of Rajasthan. Those who take pride in their civilizational identity will indeed be happy when the river finally joins the sea waters on the west of our country, after traversing through Gujarat. This will require only a short extension of about 150 kms beyond Gedra road in Barmer district of Rajasthan. Millions of our countrymen look forward to this great day. The sacred Sarasvati flowing again will symbolize the heritage and historic continuity of the people of India. It will then once again acquire renewed significance in the memory and rituals of the people of the country.

4. The rejuvenation of River Sarasvati will benefit many millions of people of India in various States—Himacha Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

5. It is recommended that considerable impetus should be given to carry forward further archaeological explorations intensively along the Sarasvati River basin and in associated areas to its east. Inter-disciplinary study that investigates and explains the cultural artifacts found in these numerous Sarasvati river sites and elsewhere in the light of the literary evidence found in the Vedas must be encouraged. The entire area of the Sarasvati river basin must be developed as a national heritage site promoting pilgrimage and heritage tourism.

6. The Government of India must be requested to constitute a Sarasvati River Basin Development Authority to restore an effective drainage system in North-west India. This will remedy the disruptions caused by the desiccation of Vedic River Sarasvati due to plate tectonics and other causes. Many of the experts attending the Conference would be happy to associate themselves with the effort to prepare integrated development plans to promote National 




 with the impetus of revived Sarasvati,


 management structures, solutions to problems of 


-logging, integrated /sustainable ground-




utilization structures, afforestation, and appropriate farming techniques suitable for semi-arid lands.

7. Follow-up activities of the Conference shall also include production of documentaries, educational booklets and encouragement of heritage tours and organization of educational trips for school and college students. The multi-media portal on Sarasvati research on the Internet

, shall be suitably augmented with periodic updates.


E Books on River Saraswati



The Saraswati: The mother of Indian civilization

. Inaugural address delivered on 24 October 2008 by Prof. BB Lal in the Conference on Vedic River Sarasvati and Hindu Civilization held at India International Centre, New Delhi

Sarasvati – Vedic River and Hindu Civilization by S. Kalyanaraman (2008)

 (including decoding of Sarasvati hier)

Vedic River Sarasvati and Hindu Civilization (ed.) S. Kalyanaraman (2008)

 – Compendium of Papers presented at the Conference on the same subject held at at India International Centre, New Delhi between Oct. 24 to 26, 2008

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