via Pradeep Ramakrishnan published on August 18, 2007



-Acharya Narendra Bhooshan


            Acharya Narendra Bhooshan (67) has dedicated his life for the study and propagation of the Vedas. As a young college student he was attracted to the work of Swami Vivekananda’s writings on the Vedas. Young Narendran travelled to the North to meet his Guru, Dr. Gayanchand of Lahore and later continued his studies at Brahma Mahavidyalaya, Hissar, Haryana. After his Vedic education he returned to his native state of Kerala and started propagating the essence of Vedas through his writings. Author of 20 books in Malayalam and Sanskrit he had completed his magnum opus- CHATURVEDA  SAMHITAa complete set of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Athrva) in Malayalam with Rishi, Devata and Chandas in an exhaustive study with commentary on some of the main Mantras, Suktas and history of Vedic literature. This is a unique work as it is the only one of its kind in any language other than Sanskrit ever published in the world. He was awarded the first AMRITA  KEERTHI puraskar instituted by the Mata Amritanandamayi Ashram for outstanding contribution made in the field of Indian Philosophy and Social Service done with a spiritual base. He has written more than 400 articles on different aspects of Vedas and Upanishads in leading periodicals. Around 500 students from different parts of the globe are studying the Vedas under him.

            As an ardent supporter of the Ayodhya movement, he has written the book ‘Ayodyayile Sree Raman’ (Sree Ram of Ayodhya) based on the origin and growth of Ramayanas in different languages and countries. He has also translated the Geeta Rahasyam of Balagangadhara Tilak to Malayalam. He is the Kulapathi of the Maharshi Dayanand Vaidika Gurukulam. established by him at Vaikom, which imparts Vedic knowledge to the people irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion and is publishing the magazine Arshanadam in Malayalam exclusive devoted to the teaching of Vedas and related topics since 1970. Many non-Hindus in large numbers attracted by his teaching have embraced Hinduism. Excerpts from an exclusive interview with Pradeep Ramakrishnan, special correspondent, Haindava Keralam:


1.         What prompted you to study the Vedas?

            During my college days, I was very much attracted towards Communism. I got a copy of the complete works of Swami Vivekananda from my aunt and reading the works of Swamiji changed my life. Swamiji had high opinion about Vedas. So I wanted to study the Vedas and experience what is described in the Vedas.

2.         It is often alleged that the Vedas contain only outdated rituals and superstitions and mankind has nothing to benefit from it?

            Those who oppose Vedas have not studied a bit of it. The Vedas contain scientific discoveries. Those who say that Vedas are not scientific have to prove it. What is the use of simply repeating a lie? We need in depth studies to understand the hidden meaning of the Vedas. Unfortunately, many of the rituals are done without knowing the truth behind it.


3.         Modern man is very busy and he has no time to perform the elaborate rituals. What is the use of Vedas to the modern man?

            I do not agree with your contention that we have no time. We have time for everything except for the study of Vedas? Even for preserving our ecology and environment study of Vedas are very helpful. If one is serious and sincere, study of Vedas can be done together with any other occupation.


4.         Jyothisa forms part of the Vedas. There was a controversy when UGC decided to start classes in Jyothisa ?

            It is really absurd to raise such controversies. Indians have predicted clearly many of the astronomical values through Jyothisa. Moreover what is wrong in studying a subject? Jyothisa is related to man’s interest in the unknown. Till this interest lasts, Jyothisa will have its value. We have to approach it without any prejudice.


5.         It is often said that only a Brahmin can study Vedas? Is it true that Vedas themselves prohibit non-Brahmins from studying it?

            It is absurd to say so. Who is a Brahmin? According to Vedas, nobody becomes a Brahmin by birth alone. Every body should learn Vedas irrespective of caste, creed or colour. Even ladies are not prohibited from learning Vedas. Our caste system was based purely on the principle of division of labour. Unfortunately it got distorted later. Such distortions happen in every society. See the sad plight of Communists, who always claimed that once their rule is established, there would not be any caste, creed, color, etc. In all the erstwhile Communists States people are in conflict over caste, color and creed and all their ‘scientific’ theories could not prevent the demolition of USSR.


6.         The land of Vedas-Bharath-is confronted with several internal and external problems. Do you foresee a glorious future for India?

            India will definitely have a glorious future. Unfortunately, since independence we did not give any importance to the study of Sanskrit. In the West people long to learn Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Yoga, etc. All these are positive signs. Our spiritual organizations are also doing wonderful service all over the world. So I am optimistic that India is poised to be the world leader.


7.         There was a thesis by a Left scholar that the Vedic people ate meat, especially beef. How do you view this?

            This is not scholarship at all. This is sheer perversion of truth. Those who have not studied Sanskrit in-depth cannot interpret the meaning of many hymns of Vedas correctly. The hidden meaning of many verses should not be misinterpreted to degrade the Vedas. I really feel pity for these so-called scholars.


8.                  Recently there is a tendency to equate the Vedas with the scriptures of other religions such as the Bible and the Quran. How do you view this?

There are many sentences in the Bible & Quran quoted from the Vedas, because Vedas are divine knowledge, human authorless and revealed through the Rihis or holy men of God in the beginning of the creation. Like wise Quoran also depicts on the divine origin of it and the compilation of it  by conveying Ayat by Ayat (sentence by sentence) through Jibrael the pharista to the prophet. Quoran and Bible are not true Vedas as its followers claim but they  are incompetent  primitive translations of some Brahmana scriptures which contains some Vedic hymns and its  commentary.


9.            Many Christian preachers often argue that the arrival of Jesus Christ is predicted in the scriptures of Hindus. They say that Bhavishya purana contains references to the arrival Jesus. Is this is true?

None of the Hindu scriptures predicts the arrival of Christ. Authoritative scriptures are those which commensurate the teachings of the four Vedas. Others are not accepted as quotable authority. For the sake of argument let us accept this resurrection or reincarnation theory. Will the Christ land in a Christian dominated area? No, he will not, because everywhere crosses are erected, and seeing this Christ may disappear into heaven to avoid another crucification, on one of these ready made crosses. He do not know his followers are adoring it instead of him.


10.        The word Hindu has become anathema to many of our so-called secularists. They even argue that none of the Hindu scriptures or texts refers Bharatvasis as Hindus? What are your views?

Hindu is not a term or word in any of the Hindu scriptures or Itihasa (History) when the word is absent, why to seek its meaning? Hindu is derived from Sanskrit word Sindhu in Arabic and they call Hindus those who settled at the shores and deltas of river Sindhu. The Arabic dictionary gives it’s meaning as barbarous folk. The original names of the followers of Vedas and related scriptures are Sanatana Dharma and Vedic Dharma. Arya means virtuous and Dasyu means mean person having no virtues. Hindus means Bharatheeyas and why should one be ashamed to call oneself a Hindu.


11.        It is felt that the Hindus of Kerala are under severe threat, economically, politically and culturally, not only from other religions but from politicians too. What are the ways to safeguard and protect the glorious tradition of Hindus of Kerala?

There are no easy ways to achieve these aims. Social and financial condition of the Hindus in Kerala is pathetic. Culturally also it is the condition. At present Hindus in Kerala have no priest to lead any ceremony like Birth, Namkaran, Annprasana, Choodakarma, initiation to letters, and knowledge, marriage and funeral. No other community in the world might have such a social experience. Blind beliefs and witchcraft are curses on them. Astrologers are tricky towards them. Every temple should have assemblies of different age groups and able and educated pandits should give them proper information on different subjects related to religion, such as god, soul, creation, life karmas, karma philosophy, life after death, salvation, advaita, dwaita, tirtha, visishtadvaita Christianity Islam, Budhism, Jainism, Tantric cult etc. Every Hindu should possess average knowledge at least on these topics. Temples, worship, utsavas etc, also should form part of this syllabus.  If this can be implemented, then we shall see what a change comes to the day to day life of a Hindu family.


12.        What is your advise to the viewers of Haindava Keralam? (With regards to safeguarding and protecting our age old and glorious culture).

Our age old glorious culture is dooming. Sarpakavus are being converted to Rubber plantations. We must pledge to protect and preserve our glorious tradition and culture for the benefit of the whole world.  Visitors to Haindava Keralam must strive their best to understand, study and disseminate different aspects of our glorious Hindu culture.




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