Maunam Karoti Vacalam

via Dr. TS Girishkumar published on September 23, 2007

Maunam Karoti Vacalam


Dr. TS Girishkumar


Maunam Karoti Vacalam

(Silence at times shall be voluminous)

And Indeed, Silences shall speak volumes:

But not to untrained minds;

Not to unreceptive minds;

Not to minds which are unpurified;




But Only to


The Rg Veda says: “Prajah Arya Jyotiragrah:”

 (Aryas are lead by light, and they seek light)

Light of Truth; wisdom and Knowledge.

Knowledge of what? Self Indeed! (Epicurus misunderstood!)

So am I silent, unable to speak among Daityas. (Wittgenstein!)

(Whereupon one can not speak; there upon one must be silent)

But my silence is not that of the Grave yard: It is that of a Volcano:

And I do have supports from Acharyas, Aryas and Devas.

All Noble men are in support, and yet it is just my battle, which I have to fight alone,

Like Abhimanyu, in Chakravyuha!

Abhimanyu had great supports of all Acharyas, and Dharma as well;

But it became just his battle in Chakravyuha.

Desperately singled out and alone inside the Chakravyuha to fight unto his own death.

None whosoever could penetrate into the Chakravyuha to give a helping hand;

And Abhimanyu died.

And he did not die for nothing: He was saving Dharma,

Thus fulfilling his goal, making his short life filled with meaning and purpose.

I too am alone in my University Department to fight for Dharma,

And it became just my battle alone.

My supporting Acharyas can not come inside to lend a helping hand,

And I am alone inside and silent, knowing fully well that my silence is misunderstood,

For inability and helplessness, like the silence of the Grave!

But then,

Abhimanyu fought within Chakravyuha and died, so I shall take the battle

Outside of Chakravyuha. Then, there shall not be Martyrdom suffered!!!

Right now it is my battle alone, as I am inside the Chakravyuha, and,

The moment I succeed in taking the battle out side the Chakravyuha,

From then on,

It becomes every ones battle, and a mini Dharma Yudha.

Dharmo Rakshati Rakshita

And Dharma itself shall protect me in my battle. 

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