Letter from Ashok Singhalji

via VHP - Press release published on November 30, 2006


Prayagraj (Allahabad)

Auspicious Occasion of Ardha Kumbha Melaa


February 10, 11, 12, 13, 2007


November 26th 2006



My Dear Brothers and Sisters




Hope, your successful self, family and Sah-Yogis are doing well. May Sri Sachchidanand Bhagwan Bless you with happiness, health, longevity, holistic success, prosperity and blessedness. Let the Almighty enlighten us and move us to remove darkness! We are extremely glad to cordially invite and solicit your august presence in the said landmark global conference at Allahabad.


2.         You are aware of the tormenting and upsetting challenges the Core society – the mainstream Hindu society of the blessed land Bhaaratvarsh is facing today in spite of the fact that it is over a billion strong – a sixth of the population of the world.


(a)      The Jehadi terrorist invasion is mounting day by day and the “Green Corridor” from the Atlantic to the Pacific through our J&K and all the states of the Indo-Gangetic plain (constituting their “Mughalistan” dream) is consolidating against the clock. Over one & a half million madarsa-indoctrinated Alims with a Taliban mindset are passing out every year that is more than the combined strength of the Indian armed forces.


(b)       The Communist Maoists have already overtaken the world’s only Hindu Raashtra Nepal after assassinating over 20 thousand innocent Hindus and the Maoist “Red Corridor” has already expanded to hem in over 150 districts of Bhaarat where the Hindus are now under an unprecedented state of siege.


(c)      The Christian conversion and Church-planting activities have been continuing unabated in the whole country, especially for harvesting ‘souls’ in the entire tribal belt right from the seven-sister states to Gujarat for Jesus. The Northeast is bit-by-bit becoming a lost case.


(d)      The pseudo-secularist non-resistance mode driven by vote-bank politics has been acting as a gear for the rapid proliferation and perpetuation of the said hideous designs of the enemies of holistic Bhaarat. They have since long been crafting offensive political and social pressures to sabotage efforts for HINDU UNITY, so that the Hindus become defenseless. To yield to their pressure any more would be suicidal and fatal.


3.    The said sabotaging forces have been receiving limitless funds from their foreign command headquarters and patrons and are also buying their ways & means with billions of fake currency. The question, “Shall the Hindus Survive or Perish?”, has to be answered by an unbeatable, invincible, self-reliant and champion Hindu society.


4.    The questions are: Who can save the society? How to face the challenges? Hindus – the Rishiputras – have to secure their survival at all costs. They have to face up to the threats to their holistic way of life. Our Dharma and Culture have the power to unite the over One Billion Hindus as an invincible Nation. The enduring nature or immortality of the Hindu Nation vis-à-vis the short-lived ones in world history bear testimony to this fact. We have a case in point from recent world history that Constitution; Politics, Economics and secular progress alone could not save the Soviet Union from disintegration. This must be an eye opener. So, the Hindus have to emphasize Dharma and Cultural underpinning/anchorage/moorings and bedrock.


5.    It is here that the Vishwa Hindu Parishad comes into the picture. With its 41 provincial chapters, 56,000 organizational units, 50,000 youth centers and over 30,000 service projects promoting the 3Rs (reading, writing, arithmetic) & vocational education, health, etc., in remote tribal areas, and an even number of weekly Satsangs (Sangat and Pangat), and with the visionary guidance of thousands of Sadhu Mahatmas and Dharmacharyas – with their millions of followers – and other millions of Hindutva-premi brethren – the VHP is capable of fulfilling this great mission.


6.   Obviously, anyone would appreciate that, bigger assets and resources, in the forms of Blessings of Mother Lakshmi and Mother Saraswati, are essential, so that Hindu Karmayogis could reach out to all the 600,000 villages of Bharat to conduct Seva and Satsang at the grassroots level for which we depend only on our Hindu Brethren.


7.    To achieve this goal of national unity and harmony and in order to boost the self-esteem, confidence and focus of our National society and to give it a sense of direction to overcome the above-mentioned problems, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad is organizing the “World Hindu Conference – III” on February 10, 11, 12, 13, 2007, at Prayagraj (Allahabad). Its inauguration will take place at 4:00 pm on February 10th 2007.


8.    Over 200,000 delegates from over 100,000 villages, towns, cities of Bhaarat and also NRIs and PIOs from over 100 cities abroad will participate in the said global conference. This is going to be the biggest congregation of Hindus in recent times. All the delegates will be housed in a makeshift city of tents spread state wise over an area of 300 acres on the banks of the Ganga.


9.    The expenses towards arranging for different modes of transportation, board & lodging, camp and conference infrastructure and other logistics including health care, basic sanitation, etc., is estimated to add up to about Rs. 20 crores. 


10.  And herein precisely lays the role of the Temples and Ashrams along with Hindu industrialists, business and trade magnets, the think tanks, and the wise with profound experience, the youth with upbeat energy, and other achievers to reclaim the ancient nation from its present perilous plight.


11.    We need and request the unreserved and wholehearted substantial support of your winning self for this grand task that is as much ours as yours.


This epoch making Conference will be a landmark event in the history of Bhaarat.


With warm regards and best wishes,

Yours in the service of Maa Bhaarati and Dharma,






  • International Delegates’ programs will commence on 10th Feb’2007 at 4:00 pm
  • Inaugural Session WHC – III – February 11, 2007 at 11.00 am
  • Concluding Session WHC – III – February 13, 2007 at 02.00 pm



1.      Please make check payable to Bharat Kalyan Pratishthan (BKP), which is allowed to receive the foreign contribution under the FCRA of Government of India. 

The FCRA # 231 650 899


2.     You may also make your check payable to Vishwa Hindu Parishad  (If you don’t required the 80 –G facility)


Please Mail your check at:  Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Sankat Mochan Ashram, R K Puram, Sector – VI, New Delhi – 110022

Fax.  + 91 11 2619 5527      Tel/Fax.  + 91 11 2617 8992





·        Inaugural Session for the Overseas delegates — February 10th 2007 @ 4:00 pm

·        Inaugural Session of WHC – III – February 11th 2007 @ 11:00 am

·       Concluding Session will be on February 13th 2007 @ 2:00 pm

·        Participations of over 1000 delegates from 100 cities of the world and 200,000 Hindus from 100,000 villages from Bhaarat

·        Delegates will be housed in a makeshift city of tents spread over 250 acres of land on the bank of Ganga

·        The Majestic city of tents will have a decentralized arrangements, i.e. Overseas delegates, and state wise sub-cities

·        Overseas delegates and then every sub-city will have its own sitting, eating, and tea together

·        Also, every sub-city will be self-sufficient and self-reliant by having their own Water supply, exhibition pandal, Public Call office (PCO), Information Booth, Security Posts, Sound Systems, Primary Health Care, services

·        Every sub-city will be named after a Cultural or Spiritual personage

·        Out of 250 acres, 25 acres will be earmarked for holding the collective two Inaugural and the concluding session

·        Exhibition – Global Spread of Hindu Culture

·        Forty-two (42) years of History and the Expansion of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the form of a compendium titled “Vishwa Hindu Parishad Samagra” will also be inaugurated

·        Souvenir release

·        Sessions for the Youths + Women and Families

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