Let us follow Shree Rama’s Footsteps !!!

via Krishnadaya published on December 25, 2008

Hare Krishna ! Dear Devotees,

In the *Ayodhyakandam*  chapter of Sreemad Ramayanam ,  king Dasaratha reviews the characteristics of son Shree Rama to verify  his eligibility to the post of Crown Prince.

In the outset itself  it is seen that , Shree Rama shines with unlimited supreme qualities and he is adored by  Citizens as the embodiment of  their LIFE . King Dasaratha observes the following major characteristics of his son  :

  • Formal education in the Vedas , Shastras and Martial arts from qualified GurusWell trained by Rishis , the masters and custodians of the VedasNever forgets the attained Knowledge .
  • Pure Bhakthi-Yoga , strong basics and steady mind .
  • Memorized  all vedic scriptural injunctions  ; strictly follows it in day-to-day life. And interprets it very well to  others .
  • No irrelevant talk , laziness , jealousy or unnecessary anger .
  • Diligently follows the virtuous path of His noble Ancestors . Is the *Crown-jewel* and Role Model of the  famous clan ( Surya-Vamsa) .
  • In war strategy , better than His famous Father .
  • Self satisfied with perfect moral conduct .
  • Fulfils promises given by Him .
  • Possesses brilliant  Ideas and superb  Logic .
  • Knows that , only from Vedic *Dharma*  the four *Purusharthas*  could be attained.
  • Humble in front of the noble Persons .
  • Knows very well , how to keep the secrets. The undertaken tasks  are kept confidential from the eyes of others until it’s successful conclusion.
  • Has reliable  well wishers . Knows well how and when to seek their service.
  • Aware about the difference in the characters of individuals . Knows that the weaknesses of self , others too have weaknesses .
  • If desires to have friendship with a particular person , he  is  verified thoroughly prior to accepting him as a close friend . Respects suchchosen friends .
  • Superb ability to spot and accept Vedic authorities  from various  places ; and protecting them to promote Vedic dharma . 
  • Expert in crushing the wicked enemies of dharma , at the first opportunity itself .
  • Skilful in earning wealth through *dharmic*  means . Knows well when to exercise strict control over the wealth .  Expertise in dividing  the country’s income and expense correctly  in the right proportion . Spends justifiably for everyone  .
  • Lives happily according to vedic *Dharma* and *Artha* . Never waivers from *Sva-dharma* ( prescribed duties) . Totally unninterested in forbidden  pleasures. 
  • Skilful in playing music instruments , to live with joy .
  • Technical knowledge of sculpturing .
  • Expertise in riding horses and elephants .
  • Never humiliates devotees and servants .
  • Knows well where to show anger and never hesitates where it is required .
  • Absolutely unselfish .

Maharishi Valmiki states in Sreemad Ramayaneeyam that Shree Rama is the abode of all above supreme attributes . Maharishi urges all to follow the footsteps of Shree Rama.


Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!

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