Know more about Vedic and Thantric pooja

published on January 2, 2009

Sivakumar Aythala

In South, there are two types of Pooja
systems. One is Vedic and the other is Tantric. 
Pooja according to Tantra Vidya is called Tantric.  Vedic pooja is to perform rituals with vedic
mantras.  These mantras are composed of
special syllables of Sanskrit language which can create vibrations within and
outside body.  Highly purified yogis or
Rishees (of ancient times) created these mantras. Mantras create special
energies as per different sounds. 


Tantric pooja is done with mudras alongwith
mantras.  There are so many rays /
vibrations within the body.  These
vibrations produce different types of energies according to different poses.  To do two or more things at a time, one need
special concentration of mind and special training.  While doing these types of (Tantric) poojas,
one must fully integrate with mantras and mudras.  Therefore, Thantric pooja is highly
comprehensive and thus it is more effective and result   oriented in real performance.  Mudras need special efforts of senses and
organs, especially hands.


It is said that Lord Parasurama established
Temples in
Kerala and the system of Thantric pooja was introducted by the Great Saint Adi
Shankara of Kaladi, Alwaye in Kerala. 
Vedic system is prevalent in Tamil Nadu and Tantric system in Kerala.
Vedic system is less strenuous and easy to perform. Pooja, archana  and aarathis of daily nature are the
recharging mechanism of Deity.  This
energy is to be dispersed evenly among the devotees who throng at the temple
and in tune with the temple deity.  It is
believed that some stones of special category and Pancha Loha Idols (Idols made
of five metals i.e. Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron and Lead) have special power to
absorb waves of mantras.  These
vibrations are gradually released to the devotees.


The people who are not in the premises will
also get the blessings when they are in tune with the deity. When you remember
or offer something to the deity, you are in tune with that deity and
automatically receive the blessings.  
The item which you offer to the Lord has nothing to do with the God or
you yourself.  When you offer something
you are remembering him and is in tune with him.  By not fulfilling that offer there is no
curse from him, but a negative feeling will erupt in your mind.  That negative vibration will hurt you, that’s
all.  The deity is always blessing
because his nature is bliss.  The
difference is that you are not receiving it that means you are not on that mode
to receive it. While you are in negative mode an anti devise is erupting in
your mind which will go against you, not the God.  All these are due to your karma.  Your destiny is determined by your
karma.  You can change it by virtue of
your karma.  Deity or God is just like a
sun; it is always shining. Some one has an umbrella to defend him, is another


The waves of the Deity are always spreading
all around and gradually become less and less. 
If the poojari s not vibrant or not upto the standard he may not have
much use to the Temple
and he himself.  Purity of mind is
necessary to recharge the idol. Otherwise negative charging will take place as
a result bad thinking and chaos will emerge. 
To counter these negative charges there is an annual festival of seven
or ten days in a year to recharge the vigraha effectively.  The festival of this kind was conducted by eminent
Thantriees and Priest of honour.  During this
period continuous process of recharging will take place.  Even then this is not enough to contain the
negative charges of the people around the Temple,
i.e  favour-seekers of the Lord; and
their vibrations are highly emotional 
and selfish.  To effectively
nutralise these negative charges and recharge the same we need other programmes
to maintain the divinity of the Temple.
Saints’ (knjanis) periodical visits and their divine discourses will naturally
recharge the atmosphere; some highly purified soul’s presences will
automatically recharge the deity.



To reduce the bad effect of the Kamis &
Karmi’s (Kami-favour seekers, Karmis – doer of Karma for selfish purposes) it
is necessary to educate them with Discourses, Parayan and Bhajans
regularly.  Simply reading of books or
hearing sermons may not have any effect. 
One has to apply mind in it, otherwise it will become a ritual only.


Our art and culture are designed in tune
with these principles.  Sapta Swara
(seven syllabals) of Sanskrit in Sangeetha is divine and are mantras and at the
same time names of gods have very high effectivity.  We know ragas of special powers are in
Carnatic music that is why it is called Sastreeya Sangeetha.   It is scientific.  The real Indian or Vedic Sangeet is Carnatic
music.  Hindustani is the diluted form of
Vedic music to accommodate Arabic or Urdu music.

Carnatic musical sounds will purify the Temple
atmosphere.  The Bharatanatyam dance is
founded by the great sage Bharat (Muni) and designed the movements according to
the musical sounds.  The Rhythm or thala
of the music is called Natanam or Dance. 
Sapta Swaras are mantra vibration and Dance is the Rhythem / thala of
that vibrations.  Both are divine and


Nataraja without natanam i.e. movement is nothing
but dead Sound without thala is nothing but noise.




You see Atheists are living just like
others.  They are not believers of God, Temple or any other form
of worship.  Even then they are getting
all the facilities which believers are getting. 
God’s blessings are there for both Theist and Atheist. Atheists only
believe in the power of mind or self. 
The self and mind are also part and parcel of the God.  To believe in self is a great thing.  After all Upanishad says “Pragjanam Bramha”
ie. Consciousness is Brahma or God.  If
there is a Consciousness there is Universe, otherwise there is nothing.


To believe in God nor not; only the Karmic
effect is there for both. But only believers are entitled for moksha or
elevation.  Others are in rotation of
birth and death.  In course of these
rotation none believer will become believer (sometimes otherwise also) and
gradually get purified to attain moksha. 
In a sense every one is searching God or cause of the universe.  Some will try to find the secret within the
body. Our yogis or Rishis found the secret within the body.  Most of us are misled by nature’s magic of
Suka Treshna.  The nature of our thinking
is influenced by three things.   1)
Chemical combination of body i.e. (satwa rajas and tamas) 2) atmospherical
influence and 3) karmic effect of past. 
Finally the karmic effect can change `the other two, i.e. chemical
combination of body and atmospheric influence i.e the atmospheric and chemical
combinations are determined by karma.   
We are on different path due to these three reasons.  To be on the right path we must understand
these three and win over them.  Then only
we can understand the real self or God. 


A father cannot distribute his wealth
unevenly.  He loves both believers and
non believers; no difference to him.  Vedas says the universe is within you i.e. the
heaven is within you; otherwise Consciousness is Bramha.



Sivakumar Aythala


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