K S Sudarshan ji’s Talk on the book – “Hindus Under Seize”

via Subscribe-http://www.youtube.com/user/RSSOwner published on February 7, 2010

A very motivating and inspiring talk by Sri K. S. Sudershanji, the previous Sarsanghchalak (chief) of RSS .

The talk is in Hindi and is subtitled in English. His speech is quite inspiring.

Anyone who cares even an iota for our Dharma will do something after listening to him Sudershanji says that it is the duty of those who are awake to awaken the rest of us.

He also says that Dharma has no synonym in the English language. This sums up everything about our Sanathana Dharma, which is Dharma towards everything.

He spoke about how Indian kings resisted invasions from Arabia from 712 ad to 1206 AD and the reasons for India still remaining Hindu, I was deeply impressed.

At 2006, sitting in safer localities we can admire the resilience of our ancestors. But do we give a moment of thought to the price they paid for it?

Still worse, do we even realize or acknolwedge it?I dont think that many of us realize it.

The pseudosecular- left- intellectuals who carry Hindu names and abuse everything that starts with a “in.”(Indhu, india,indhi) forget that they have this freedom only because their ancestors chose to remain Hindus, inspite of threats, violence and monetary benefits.

Anyway, even thinking about about such p-sec intellectuals irritates me, so let me go to the valid point which sudharsanji raised- resistence of India.

The only equilant for the suffering india faced from 712 AD to 1857 AD was the holocaust.

Hitler killed jews in millions for 10 years. Jews havent forgotten it, world hasn’t forgotten it. But we have conveniently forgotten the 90 million slaughtered Hindus in Bharathvarsha, from 712 ad to 1857 AD.

we dont recognize the Hindu holocaust. It has been hidden in the pages of history.

They say that winners write history books. The same thing happened in India.

The pseudo-seculars who control India wrote history books and threw such an event into the dust bins of history.

How did India survive this? The great Caste System[Varna Dharma] of Hindus stood as a rock against Muslim and Christian Invasion. It helped the Hindu society to survive the threats of religious conversions from Hindu religion to Islam and Christianity.

Truth is a boundless ocean. A Hindu searches for truth in all paths and finally realizes that it lies in his heart itself. The moment he realizes it, he attains Self-Realization.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq1mWAv34QI&hl=en_GB&fs=1&]

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