International Sreekrishna Kendram – An Appeal

published on May 29, 2009


 Sreekrishna is assuredly the most enchanting figure in human history. He reflects and represents every aspect and aspiration of humanity in its onward march. Immeasurable in nature and inconceivable in might, He remains an ever vibrant motivator in Indian ethos.

 A centre devoted to informal and formal education on Sreekrishna’s life, teachings and actions would resurrect our value systems. It is in this perspective that Balagokulam (a nationwide cultural organization, registered in 1974, engaged in inspiring children with human values and cultural activities through weekly classes) has initiated steps to establish International Sreekrishna Kendram (ISK), as a unit under Bala Samskara Kendram (a Public Charitable Trust, registered in 1988).

 The aims and objectives of ISK are: 

We aim to establish a model village designed to portray Sreekrishna’s life, teachings and actions, in simple and lucid forms. Thus, any visitor to the centre (children, youth and adults – both from India and abroad) will be amplified by the all pervading nature of Sreekrishna, the Upholder of Dharma, the Annihilator of Adharma, the Propounder of a philosophy seeing the whole universe as one family (Vasudaiva Kudumbakam). In addition, the visitor will also be able to understand and appreciate the contributions of our ancient masters towards moulding an ideal society that loved to live in peace, poise and harmony and to accept aging gracefully.

To act as a forum for people of all religions and nationalities to meet and understand the ideals of Lord Sreekrishna.

To function as a centre for conveying Indian heritage, cultural and spiritual values to all those enthusiasts who approach it.  

To showcase our various arts, crafts, fine arts and folk arts forms etc.

To cooperate and establish links with other like minded institutions in India and abroad with a view to bring together all working on the same goals.

The ISK, a model village, among other things, would include:

A beautiful Sreekrishna Temple at the centre of the complex.

“Yoga, Prayer and Meditation Centre” – For physical fitness and inner personality deveopment.

“ Museum” – to showcase the important events from the life and teachings of Lord Sreekrishna and our other Spiritual Masters.

“Goshala” to take care of destitute cattle.

“Home for Senior Citizens” (Tapovanam – Vanaprastasramam style).

“Canteen” to serve pure vegetarian meals.

 “Library and Reading Room” to provide food for thought.

“Ayurvedic Treatment Centre”  – To rejuvenate body, mind and intellect to follow a healthy life code as well as for the maintenance of social, moral and physical order.

“Fruits and Vegetable Garden ” – for consumption within “Tapovanam – Homes for Senior Citizens”.

“A Modern Residential School”– To impart modern education and human values.

  “Vocational Training Institute” to train and prepare economically backward and deserving children, who are otherwise denied opportunities in this competitive world, to find their livelihood.

“Auditorium” – To conduct religious, spiritual, cultural, corporate programmes; social activities, conferences, seminars and workshops.

 “Campsite” – to organize educative & entertaining camps for children, youth and elders. 

“Cottages” – For visitors from India and abroad, seeking solace in a clean, calm and quiet environment and keen to learn about the life and teachings of Almighty Sreekrishna, the most enchanting figure in human history.

Needless to say, such an ambitious project needs substantial funding from broad minded individuals and institutions. We have received overwhelming support to this project from the devotees of Sreekrishna. The Trust has already identified almost 100 and odd acres of green land of scenic beauty in central Kerala, in the serene slops of the Western Ghats . We have almost achieved 30% of the land acquisition and here we are struck for want of funds – for acquiring the remaining land and implementing the project.  

How can you become part of this dream project?

You can become part of this dream project and help us to realize it by becoming a member in one of the following categories:

Participation Member – by contributing Rs.100,000/- (Rupees one lakh).

Donor Member – by contributing Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand).

Life Member – by contributing Rs.30,000/- (Rupees thirty thousand).

Benefits to Members:

1. Participation Member – (a) Will be entitled to free accommodation for self and family for up to 15 days (annually once) at the ISK Guest House or elsewhere in the complex. (b) Free admission to all public functions organized by ISK. (c) Free access to all regular publications of ISK and special rebate on occasional publications. (d) Will be entitled to take part in the General Body of ISK and participate in the deliberations. (e) To elect/nominate representative/s from the General Body to the Executive Committee.

2. Donor Member – A Donor Member will be entitled to free accommodation for self and family for up to 7 days (annually once) at the ISK Guest House or elsewhere in the complex plus all other benefits as stated under item 1 (b) to (e).

3. Life Member – A Life Member will be entitled to free accommodation for self and family for up to 4 days (annually once) at the ISK Guest House or elsewhere in the complex plus other benefits as stated under item 1(b) and (c).

I shall consider it as a personal favor if you would kindly become a member of ISK and help us to realize this model village, unique and first of its kind in the whole world, as quickly as possible, thus becoming part of movement to spread the universal message of love and brotherhood (Vasudaiva Kudumbakam) as propounded by Lord Sreekrishna, which alone can sustain the humanity with peace and harmony all around. 

Please forward your contribution by cheque or DD drawn on International Sreekrishna Kendram to:

Shri M.A. Krishnan (MA Sir)


International Sreekrishna Kendram

Sakthi Enclave, Perandoor Road

Elamakkara, Kochi – 682026

Keralam , India

Look forward to the pleasure of receiving your generous financial, moral and physical offerings.

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