Insights into Vandemataram Row

via R.K. Ohri published on August 25, 2006

This note is the outpourings of my heart in response to a query from a retired senior colleague-Shri.R.K. Ohri.
Frankly, I am not surprised at the stand taken by the Muslim leadership and am doubly sure that the bulk of Muslims are behind Shahi Imam and others of his ilk on this issue. If one makes a quick comparison of the events preceding partition (years 1941-46) with whatever is happening today, it becomes quite clear that most Muslims (excepting a miniscule and inconsequential minority who have no following) have started practising the same old convoluted grievance politics.  I am inclined to agree with those who consider this stand of the Muslim community as an act amounting to ‘treason’. Treason it is, pure and simple and the Indian people can ignore it only at their on peril.

Additionally I would like to draw attention to the following facts:

1. Most of the time Muslim leaders and their secularities-seized Hindu supporters (including high brow media mandarins) keep on asking that why should anyone doubt patriotism of Muslims, or why after every  major jihadi attack are Muslims asked to prove their loyalty to Mother India? Well, here is the reason which prompts all true patriotic Indians to doubt their bonafides, even of the appeasers. The refusal to sing Vande Matram reveals true crescentic colours of Muslims! As an aside, I might point out that today Mumbai and Delhi are the 2 most bombed cities in world, targeted by Jihadi warriors of Islam. Some tribute to Hindu resilience!

2. Again, a little insight would reveal that the meaning and import of “Jana Gana Mana” and Vande Matram are essentially the same, namely saluting and praising India. Yet why do Muslims invariably refuse to sing Vande Matram alone, but not Jana Gana Mana?  My view is that the reason is simply the hang over of pre-partition historical hostility of Muslims. In other words, since their leadership has been opposing and repudiating Vande Matram now for nearly one hundred years, they too must repudiate its singing and refuse praising Mother India.

3. Interestingly no Hindu has ever questioned and repudiated the singing of “Saare Jahan Se Accha Hindustan Hamara” written by Allama Iqbal, the ideologue and father of Pakistan and Pan-Islamism of radical variety. He wrote ‘Saare Jahan Se Accha’ when he was 19, but soon thereafter turned a rabid Hindu-hater, as is evident from a reading of his magnum opus,Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa, wherein he has prayed to Allah for converting all Hindu heathens to Islam (which according to him was then trapped in throes of death), e.g., “Mushkilen Ummat-e Marhoom” ki asaan kar de   ………. Hind ke dahar nisheenon ko Musalman kar de”, etc.  Iqbal even praised
Mahmood Ghazni for destroying Hindu temples and promoting Islam by
using sword (and we all know in how horrible a manner). Still the Hindus have not repudiated ‘Saare Jahan se Achha’. That is the quintessential difference between Hindus (eternally tolerant and mortally afraid) and Muslims (eternally intolerant and highly aggressive).

4. Further, you can sing from any Hindu temple or Gurudwara “Ishwar Allah tero naam, Sab ko sanmati de Bhagwan”, a prayer very dear to Gandhiji. It is sung even in thousands (if not lakhs) of Hindu homes unhesitatingly. But can you sing it in a mosque, or even Dargahs of  Ajmer or Nizamuddin? No, never. Let someone try it and discover the fatal consequences. During his visit to Noakhali even Gandhiji was aghast when he found that as soon as he started singing “Ram Nama” all Muslims, including those who had earlier joined his peace mission, walked out on him (I have referred to this incident in Long March of Islam).

5. Unfortunately no Hindu leader has the guts to speak truth. At the drop of a hat they start parroting falsehood. That is the abject state of the Nation today. Luckily we have some writers like V. Sundaram having the courage of conviction to write truth, speak truth.

6. A very dear friend has been saying very aptly : “Those who don’t have the courage to pick up the pen today, will ultimately discover that their children /grand children may have to pick up the gun tomorrow”.

(The Author is Retd.IPS officer and former IGP of Arunachal Pradesh.He is the author of Long March of Islam: The Future Imperfect, published by Manas Publications, Darya Ganj,New Delhi)

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