India’s slavish media plays up the Alphonsa canonization event

published on October 14, 2008

What would your opinion be of a person who says, “I have a great desire to suffer with joy. It seems that my spouse (Jesus) wishes to fulfill this desire. I consider a day in which I have not suffered as a day lost to me”?


Would you not call such a person ‘mad’?


But this is exactly what the nun Alphonsa, who was yesterday given a promotion to sainthood, said, according to her biography prepared by the Vatican itself.


This statement of this alleged saint is typical of the totally illogical Christian religion.


Is it not monstrous that a person, who was never considered anything other than ordinary, should be made a saint after death? That too, 50 years after death?


Does the church think it can fool Hindus and the rest of the world by arranging some bogus ‘miracles’ for this alleged saint?


What kind of a religion is this that does not honour any good or great person while alive but begins ‘canonizing’  people like Alphonsa after death?


The spectacular publicity given to the terribly hypocritical event of canonization by India’s ‘sickular’ media is utterly shameful. They made it sound as if the Vatican had done a great favour to India even when the Pope did not fail to hint at Christian ‘suffering’ in India during the ceremony.


Don’t the Chrisitans know that it does not make any sense to raise anyone to sainthood, long after he or she has taken a new birth, when he or she did not display any sign of saintliness while alive?


Lastly, is this the way saints are made? Can an ordinary person become a saint, simply on the recommendation of the church?


O spiritually illiterate Christians, any ordinary Hindu will tell you that true saints live like saints and are revered by people as saints. Hindu society has always had living saints. We have them even now. To give just two names, Bhagwan Shree Sathya Sai Baba and Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Do the Christians have anyone of their spiritual stature?


Hindu society must see through the canonization game. It could have been done to raise the rather low status of Christians in India, whom most Hindus regard as pests. It could also be an attempt to encourage and enthuse Indian Christian converters.


By raising a this Keralite woman to the position of a saint, the Vatican and the Indian church has made it clear that they won’t leave us Hindus alone. We too must vow not to allow them to live in peace in India and continue their mission to destroy the native religion and culture of this greatest of all civilizations.

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