Importance of Vegetarianism-Vyakthi Dharma part 2

via IISH Communication Team published on November 23, 2006


The  body is to  be built with good food for an eco friendly sustainable health. Those foods which create no deleterious effects to our body are need of the hour.  Whatever food creates short or long range problems to our body and mind are  not advised for sustainable health. It can create diseases with a short period or within a range of time. 


As a house should be built  with good building materials, so is the body . If building materials are  low grade, it affects the beauty, durability and strength of the building.  All these three factors are important for human body also. When we choose ‘abnormal’  food for building our body, the beauty, durability and strength of our body get affected.


Hita ahaara and mitha aayaasa  or mitha aahaara and hita aayaasa are the two criteria ( food and exercise) for good health  The  human body  and different digestive organs are designed for the vegetarian food, including milk and milk products. Specifically our   teeth, tongue, alimentary canal, and the digestive systems, etc.  Even a change in food from  non vegetarian to mixed vegetarian  could change the health  of the Eskimos   dramatically. When vegetarian foods are given with the non vegetarian food, their heart problems reduced significantly. The level of cholesterol,  saturated fat, etc could be brought to  the balancing level with vegetarian food. This is the result for everyone.  It has been described that even  the brain chemistry changes  with the nature of food, particularly when   non veg are taken.


 It is said that  aahaara suddhi is an important  factor for healthy body and  mind. Green restaurants  are sprouting  fast world over. People  are  shifting from  non veg to veg, which are essential  for  maintaining good health and long life.  Vegetarian clubs, veg societies, veg groups  are  doing great work for  spreading the messages. They are doing good business also. Hence, for maintaining a health body, the building block of the  body should be pure  and   as  designed by the nature. It is herewith advised that you should start following the  vegetarian food, every day.


 Secondly for  a good health scientific  achaaras are to be performed which also give purity in character and behavior.  Hence to the extend possible one should  follow, scientific and  rational  achaaraas in our day today life. These  customs and rituals  which have been described earlier ( available in our  website  have  variety of merits in the psychologically, physiologically, building  family relation  and  building  good social life. Hence they are to be followed in our  day to day  life. These acharas do have some spiritual bearings too.

On the same line, the mind also should be maintained at a level of high purity. When the  questions asked in our scriptures   ko aham ? ( who am I ?) the reply received was soaham ! (= I am that = I am that omnipotent omnipresent  divine power). There is another meaning for soaham, which you will get when you repeat  soaham-soham-soham-soham- hamsoa- it becomes hamsa- HAMSA= swan  = the bird which can take  milk  from the mixture of  milk and water ( according to our mythology)  =  the one which can take good  alone  from the mixture of  good  and  bad.  The world has both good and bad, one has to take the good and should not get affected by the bad. (Few of our great Rishies always kept this  in  mind and  became  a hamsa rishi  and elevated themselves to a Paramahamsa Rishi)  For attaining this status of a hamsa in your mind, you need not go to forest or give up  anything what ever you have now or whatever you posses now. Only try to  attain that level slowly in your mind. 


So you have  performed your vyakti dharma  to refine your body and mind.  Now you are ready for undertaking other dharmas  as bestowed upon you by the divine power.

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