Ill effects of aping Western New Year

published on December 28, 2013

Celebrations on the eve of the Western New Year, that is 1st January, is accepted by Hindus as a day of celebration for them as well. They make big plans for this day, with regards to shopping, eating at a restaurant, taking a vacation etc. This is not limited to big cities, but it is also happening in villages, which do not even have the basic amenities of regular electricity and water supply ! By aping the West you are not only destroying your own tradition but are also impressing materialistic values upon the future generation. Hindus are completely in the dark about this fact. This article is therefore meant to highlight these facts.

The harm caused due to merry-making on Dec 31st : Alcohol consumption and drugs are at an all time high with crores of rupees being spent on the same. Eve-teasing, dancing on the rhythm of loud ear-splitting music, driving at high speeds, drunken driving leading to accidents and death are a few of the after effects of merry making.

    Every Hindu festival has a scientific basis and is associated with worship of Deities specifc to the ocassion. These festivals teach us the importance of sacrifice. Celebrating
Dec 31st mounts to a lavish life of partying, dancing, drinking, etc. Is it correct for Hindus to drown in such materialisitic celebrations?

As per the Hindu religion every auspicious event begins with ritualistic worship at an auspicious time called the Brahma muhurta (at dawn). The devotees take a bath, wear clean attire and ornaments. As a result, the sattva component in the atmosphere creates good impressions on the doer.

On the eve of the Western New Year people drink and make merry, spending the night on momentary pleasures. Thus automatically impressions of materialism are created on their subconscious minds. Besides, since at night the atmosphere is tama predominant the tama component in them grows. People are unaware of this because of the lack of religious education and the young generation falls prey to this materialism, fun and frolic. Their parents too are completely oblivious about what is happening to their children.

O Hindus, celebrate New Year on Yugadi and not on Jan 1st!


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