IISH to spread the messages of Gurudevan along with International centre for Sri Narayana Guru Studies

published on October 9, 2008

DASAMI  MESSAGES    ( (9TH  October, 2008   series No. 1.)


Every Dasami day  this message will be reaching you about Sri Narayana guru. It is a collaborative project work  to spread the great teachings and biography + contributions of Guru, undertaken by IISH in collaboration with, International centre for Sri Narayana Guru Studies, Nerule, Bombay. This is the first message commenced from Vijayadasami day.




 Glasenapp does not say anything regarding the new religious manifestations in south India which are not negligible, such an example is the great Guru  Sree Narayana, whose beneficent spiritual activity has been exercising its influence during the past 40 years  in the State pf Travancore on nearly two million of his followers ( he passed away in 1928) . His teachings permeated with the philosophy of Sankara shows evidence of a striking  effusions of love ( bhakti) inspire in him  a certain mistrust. He  was, one might  say, a jnaani of  action (karma yogi)  a grand religious intellectual who had  a keen living  sense  of the people and of the social necessities. He  has contributed greatly to the elevation of the  oppressed classes in south India and his work has been associated at certain times  with that of Gandhi”




 1. Sree Narayana Guru was born in poor Eazhava family labeled as low caste, in 1855 August 28th  .


2. He was born in  Chempazhanthi,  near Trivandrum City.


 3. He lived  for 73 fruitful years as a great Sanskrit scholar, reformist, organizer  and much more than that  one of the greatest  spiritual Rushies of Bharath whom, we can equate with Veda Vyasa  and Sree Sankara in the quality of his teachings /writings,


4. He was a scholar  in Malayalam and  in-depth Sanskrit language.


5. He has  about  60   literary works/ writings  as poems, prayers, mantras, darsanas, messages,  written   mainly in Malayalam, Sanskrit and few in Tamil.


6.The quality of   the  words and the messages  given in all these  are superb.




 Sree Narayana guru  wrote Vinaayakaashtakam  as a prayer/ keerthan of Sree Vinaayaka / Vigneswara. The essence  of Vinaayakaashtakam is given below.  


1.  All ashtakam will have  eight stanzas   and the word has  derived from the  Sanskrit. 


2.  Vinaayakaashtakam  is a prayer adoring  Lord Ganesa also known as Vinaayaka. 


 3.  Variety of  names and their  synonyms are used in this ashtakam .  Many adjectives  are  also incorporated  for  making every stanza attractive  with devotion


4.  Almost all the names  have a specific message to convey  either as apart of  story or  explanation. 


5.  Many of the names and synonyms  have   their  reference  from puranic stories   or puranic explanations.


 6 .  Those  names  have  their  origin from   the following Puranas:  Ganesa Puraana, Skanda Puraana, Siva Puraana, Linga Puraana  and Brahma  Puraana. A few might also have been  collected from other Puraanaas  and Upanishads or Vedas. 


7. Some of the names  used in the  ashtakam have their  origin based  on the size, shape, color,  form  and organs  of  Lord Ganesa.


 8. One should  remember  that  Lord Ganesa  is a Sankalpa; i.e.  gloriously  the forms  are  developed  and  painted in the mind through  meditation by ancient Rushies . 


9.  Some of the names  also denote the  relation of Lord Ganesa with  goddess Parvathi, Lord Siva, Subrahmanya  and so on. 


10.  Vigneswara is the common name for lord Ganesa as he is considered  as the  Lord who removes  the  hindrances and obstacles in everyone’s life.


11. Vinaayakaashtakam written in Sanskrit is a  very impressive writings which can be chanted every day  morning and  evening


Many major and minor concepts /sankalpas /stories /narrations  are used in this  ashtakam  by Sree Narayana Guru  for adoring and praying Vinaayaka as many great ancient Indian Rushies did, in their writings, both in  perfect Sanskrit.




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