How to secure Hindu nationalists and bring peace in Kerala?

via HK Correspondant published on December 2, 2006

As expected CPM thugs continues to target key Hindu activists in Kerala. The broad day light murder of an active worker of RSS Biju Kumar (30) at Thirivananthapuram yesterday is the latest incident. He was known as a committed worker of Sangh in Vattiyoorkave area. The similar type of attacks would be increased in the coming days from CPM & NDF thugs in Kerala. Its high time Kerala Sangh leaders & Hindu Aikiya Vedi to think creatively and take effective strategies to protect the life of Swayamsevaks  & Hindu activists in Kerala. As long as LDF or UDF is in power in Kerala,  the entire political parties, Police department and government machineries will act  against the interests of Hindu society. It may not be very easy for Hindus to survive as passive spectators without active, strong defensive tactics to protect the lives of young Hindu activists. 


Hindu unity and assertive power is the only way to stop these attacks against Hindus society. Major Hindu organization like SNDP & NSS can play a major role in protecting lives of Hindus and to stop these attacks. 


The Hindu society in Kerala is angry and agitated on the murder of Biju Kumar. Number of dedicated, sincere and potential Hindu young leaders are murdered in cold blood in Kerala for the past several years. Many passive, and secular Hindus are in deliberate ignorance and denial of the hardship and pain of the affected  families. The kith and kin of the families are left alone to mend their lives. Silence, indifference, apathy and denial are encouraging these hooligans to slaughter innocent, nationalist young leaders. Hundreds of families of Hindu activists are languishing daily and trying to cope up with the tragedy. Callous, cold blooded mass murder of young Hindu activists are not restricted in Kerala. We need to put a stop to this murder mayhem now. 


At this stage, peace talk, apathy, denial and indifference only prolongs our pain and leads to more death. Political corrections or playing the denial game will not work in dealing with CPM & NDF terrorists and their murderous cells. 


Media, phony intellectuals & politicians thwart Hindu unity in Kerala. They offer funding, hope and inspirations for terrorists. This is a logical, easily proven fact reported time and time from intelligence operatives. 


History will not be kind to those who give hope to our enemies and who stand in the way of our brave Hindu activists gallant efforts. Young Hindus continues to die in Kashmir, Kerala, Assam, West Bengal & various other states because our enemies believe that Hindus are not fully united. To win the war against Communist/Jihadi onslaught we must dedicate ourselves. 


The Hindu masses are oppressed at every turn and woefully ignorant of the truth. We can draw parallels to the Islamic regime of India during the dark ages. The Hindu masses are unaware of their possibilities and hopelessly limited or “damned” in their freedoms. Our enemies are marching against Hindus and unless Hindus are united, our enemies will march with their fury and murder mayhem.


We must use our own best strengths, our vast resources, superior networks and knowledge base, to absolutely destroy the enemy’s will and ability to commit murder on any Hindu activists in Kerala.


The CPM leaders should understand that their party is in power only in Kerala & West Bengal where they are targeting RSS / BJP activists but in many other states BJP are very strong, they are ruling many states with two third majority, they are powerful both politically and physically, where CPM’s strength is questionable. The RSS / BJP state leaders should take effective action strategies to prevent further “Kill for thrill” game and convey that Hindus will not suffer silently any more. The strongly worded   message should be conveyed to CPM leaders in Kerala and at the national level.

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