Fourth Anniversary

published on October 31, 2009


“Haindavakeralam” has just completed four years.  As we celebrate HK’s fourth birthday, we come together bound by our DHARMA, with genuine respect and love for our country. We believe, Hindutva is the best hope for redirecting our nation on a more humane, ethical, just and peaceful course.

For the last four years, Haindavakeralam has been informing, educating, and enlightening Hindus around the world for the need for Hindu unity, assertive conscience, and revival of our Hindu spirit.

Our readership has increased substantially. Our time has come to present clear, correct, and comprehensive views on issues affecting Hindus without fear. Haindava Keralam believes that it is better to debate issues before settling it. For the last four years, HK has been trying to separate fact from opinion.

HK knows that our roots are in Sanathan Dharma. To destroy our country and our values, our enemies are cutting our roots. In books, plays, film, and newspapers, Hindus are mocked for the amusement of phony secularists.  Bogus secularists, Marxist anarchists and mindless political leaders have made the majority to a moral disarmament and political paralysis.

The only option Hindus have then, is never cease struggling –until we have re-created a government and India that confirms as close as possible to our image of a good society based on Dharma. Our struggle will be endless and it will define us, tell us, and likely provide us rewards.

Haindavakeralam congratulate its readers for joining with us for waging a relentless battle for the hearts and minds of Hindus around the world. We want our fellow Hindus around the world informed, disciplined, alert, and assertive and preserve, practice and promote our eternal values.

HK Team wishes to thank all creative and spirited Hindus who have gathered source materials and news for our readers. Many readers have expressed their opinion through our feedback system and gave valuable suggestions. We thank all contributors for their creative and innovative writings. Their voices and visions bring to life HK’s content and standing..
We look forward to hearing from you, and request you to continue providing us with your views and news.  We hope to bring pertinent issues affecting Hindus around the world and provide you enriching reading opportunities on the days ahead.

It is to this that we dedicate Haindavakeralam in the years to come. Join us in our task to secure the knowledge of our sacred past and ready for whatever the future may bring-stretching the warmth of heart and unity of purpose.

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