Dravidian Parties of Tamil Nadu CHAMELEONS – Part 2

via Rajagopalan Seshadri published on May 2, 2007

Dravidian Parties of Tamil Nadu



“You can fool some people for sometimes, but you can never fool all people all the times”


From their way the Justice Party Government in Madras State was functioning, they conducted the affairs of the state only for self-gratification of being in power with the active connivance of British and the backing of their useful (idiot) sidekick à Dravidian Party – (DK) Dravida Kazhagam.


Justice Party worked on the following lines:


1.  To be faithful and subservient at all times to the British raj therefore Justice party members can continue to be in power to derive the maximum benefits by all means and methods. 


2. In furtherance of their own selfish interest they had formed a South Indian Landowners’ Association, to pass the required legislations since they had the majority in the house.


3. They needed a subject matter such as the Self-respect movement [i.e. every one should respect them only and none others (as hyper-rich expect always in all ways)], ably assisted politically by DK to mesmerise the gullible public politically like the leftists do at all time, promising Utopia, waging a hypothetical war against a non-existent enemy thereby creating unfounded / ill-conceived panic in the society, and enticing the common man in local language by their uniform snorty presentation like their leader Annadurai, at the same time magnifying miniscule moles of the society into a Himalayan range of mountainous problems. DK’s leading lights were Communist Comrades of Soviet Russia, Fascist Nazis for propaganda for lies and their other means.


4. Justice party turned the other way as a quid pro quo for DK’s backing them, so never silenced them, when DK members talked about Atheism or Rationalism or self-respect to create the gulf between High-caste & low caste persons, Brahmins & non-Brahmins, Hindus & Muslims etc. These subjects never affected the justice party or its members in anyway, but were the useful tools to keep the opposition Nationalist Congress Party and public at bay.


5.  At the same time, Justice party members, who were firm believers of Hindu Gods, with their own Hindu symbols prominently on their foreheads had been contributing to Temple requirements systematically as atonement for the nefarious deeds of their sidekicks to Hindu Gods.


6. But Justice party members were too rich to have any direct connection with these useful idiots, and so none of these DK men were ever allowed in their precincts.


Thus, DK could get away with talking any nonsense, such as talking ill of all Hindu customs and Gods.


DK also found this Rationalism or Atheism as useful tool for their full-time propaganda to get cheap popularity, thereby enriching themselves with aggressive methods of collection of party funds from the poor gullible sections of Madras State plus justice party funds.


The next venue for revenue they eyed was the trade unions in Industries and Government organization like Nazi Fascists and Commie comrades for self-enrichment.  Here too, they were actively helped to get benefits from time to time by legislation of the Central Government, which was also composed of leaders (birds of the same feather) through their vote-banks politics to have the Hindu & Muslims, Brahmin & non-Brahmin and low caste, & High caste divisions.


The aspect of economic backwardness, common to all citizens of the country is never considered at any time even to this day.


There are many members born in High-caste society but economically very poor, never getting any Government help whatsoever, compared to many persons born in low-caste society, but rich or very rich back ground thus reaping the benefits perennially doled in education and jobs for a very long time. 


Is it not a fact in India? 


In fact, low-caste members of the society are in majority compared to small numbers of High-caste members in India. There are also economically backward members in the high-caste society.  But there is none to take care of them.  Even then, they try to come up in life by their sheer hard wok and perseverance.


And patience also has a limit for economically backward born-high caste society, and once the accumulated anger busts, this will create all-round destruction.(see tail-piece)


Some of the buffooneries of DK men are:


DK men belittled the Hindu Gods and their worship only, (no Alalh or no Jesus Christ) and proclaimed themselves as born atheists for generations. They also said that with the Rationalist propagation they would eradicate from the society the very thought of Hindu Gods (only) and all those connected with it from the Tamilian society alone.


If Dravidians proclaimed themselves as Atheists, (no belief in any God whatsoever) and wanted Tamil to be made compulsory for all pooja, Archana, offering or recitation of hymns etc., in Hindu places of worship, why not they enforce their same professed principles in Masjids of Muslims too.  After all these are also places of worship where God is also said to exist. They won’t.


What does it show?


But more than ever, presently the theists among Hindus especially non-Brahmins are increasing day by day in the Tamil Nadu.


[Presently many of the DMK and AIADMK (the off-shoot of DK) leaders / ministers and their men are becoming firm believers of Hindu Gods and are visiting the places of worships regularly! Here a high profile example is given – Pease see the right – Lower Corner in the image]  



Here MK. Stalin, DMK – MLA, the State Minister in Tamil Nadu, the scion of the family & DMK party fortunes; the son of Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi and their nephew & Central Govt. Telecommunications Union Minister Dayanidhi Maran, MP elected thro’ DMK ticket, reverently worshiping at Senkeni Amman Koil, a Hindu Temple and partaking the prasad, distributed by the Hindu Brahmin Priest. (Credit – Thanks–> Thuglak Cover page – issue dt. 23rd June 2004.


What does it show? You be the judge.


Here are some examples of unrestrained expressions and deeds of DK sadism:


1.      “If you happen to see a Brahmin and a poisonous snake, leave the snake, but hit the Brahmin first.”

  1.  â€œAlways abuse Hindu Gods”. “Ridicule always in the most foul language on the Consorts of Hindu Gods in the most derisive manner”

  2.  â€œCut the tuft of Brahmins, & the holy threads worn by them and erase the religious symbols on their foreheads or lick them or spit on their face to teach a lesson or two.” (They actually did these irresponsible acts to many Brahmins after their bath on the new-thread-wearing-ceremony-day at the banks of rivers or tanks)

  3. “Break the Hindu God’s images periodically”.  They usually break the Ganesh idols on the Ganesh Chathurthi day. [(But EVR Periyar’s family was a Dharma Kartha of a Vinayak Temple at Erode!)]

  4.  â€œEnter into unguarded Hindu Temples and desecrate them as much as you can.”


There was one person who opposed them publicly and challenged them to perform their vile act in some famous shrines. DK men never confronted him; for, they knew that this man would teach them unforgettable lessons of their lives. His name was Muthuramalinga Thevar, an ex-soldier of Indian National Army under the Greatest Indian ever lived “Nethaji Subhash Chandra Bose”. He is now no more. The Hindu-theists always pray to God for a personality like him today to take on the Atheist-Rationalist-Dravidians of Tamil Nadu.


Annadurai described Mahatma Gandhiji as a man of Lust:


When many Indians hold Mahatma as ‘avatar’, this very Annadurai, before jettisoning DK to form DMK party, wrote and publicly talked in 1946 about Gandhiji while Gandhiji was attending Public meetings preceded by Prayers at Madras, many perverted & sacrilegious lies in the graphic manner:


Mahatma was 77 then, a Physically frail old man, frequented by intermittent fasting due to satyagraha for public causes, found it very difficult even to walk independently with his usual tall bamboo walking stick and took the help of his own grand daughters by putting his hands on their shoulders. But Annadurai described this as lecherousness act of old man towards youngest girls.


When Gandhiji was shot in 1948, and he was hurriedly proceeding towards a delayed prayer meeting after another fasting for the cause of Hindu-Muslim unity, these granddaughters also helped him similarly and he died on their lapses.


Assuming that even if they were not his granddaughters, what was the crime in being helped by the known service-minded teenage girls to an old man. Such was blasphemous perverted-dirty-mind of Annadurai!


His chelas/disciples of DK also excelled him in similar veins in all their public meetings then.


Dravidians as Chameleons


When ‘the Great Rationalist-father’ (Pakuththarivu Thanthai – Periyar) Erode V. Ramasami Naiker (EVR) found none to help him at his advanced age, he wanted to adopt a young woman as his daughter by the name Maniammai. Periyar always spew poisonous words towards Brahmins in public, but went all the way to meet Rajaji, a Brahmin for advice disbelieving his own DK disciples. Rajaji was the Governor-General of India and they met at Thiruvannamalai Railway station.


Rajaji, himself a very old man and a widower, was being helped then, in his old age by his married daughter in the housekeeping activities besides her own family needs.


EVR Periyar appealed to Rajaji to help him out in this adoption matter. He told Rajaji the following in a heart to heart talk: “You have daughters and grandchildren to help you out at this old age.  Look at me, after the death of my first wife Nagammai at a very early stage of my life, I have been living as an orphan. I never wanted to remarry and I could not think of anyone in her place as wife. Now my DK party men are just waiting for me to kick the bucket to grab the keys to my entire property and swallow them in full. Please help me legally to adopt Maniammai as my daughter as she is very devoted and serving me sincerely”


Rajaji told him: “If Maniammai, your proposed adopted daughter gets married soon to form her own family and goes out of your house-hold, what will you do?  As you said, if Maniammai wants to serve you completely sacrificing her youth, you better marry her and make her as your lawfully wedded wife.  This can also help you to stop any loose-talk about the morality aspect of you both. She can also be with you till your last days and she will also be the most deserving beneficiary of your entire properties. I know your intention cannot be the conjugal felicity at this advanced age. But confirm properly with Maniammai and get her full consent before marrying her”.


EVR Periyar found that the advice given by Rajaji was practical and very apt and, Maniammai also said that she wanted to serve devotedly the old man Periyar, irrespective of her status either as a wife or an adopted daughter; so the marriage was concluded in Thyagaraja Nagar at Madras city in a Brahmin’s house and not in the presence of his DK party men.


EVR Periyar was hitting out bitterly in worst possible terms at Brahmins in public, but sought the help from a Brahmin when it comes to his personal life!


He never trusted his own party men!


This is the unwritten certificate issued by EVR Periyar to his DK men. So these disgruntled DK men soon formed a separate party under the Supreme Leadership of Annadurai – and called it as DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam meaning as Progressive Dravidian Party) after EVR’s marriage to Maniammai. This was solely because these estranged elements in the party could not get hold of his moneys and properties.


The Derivatives from the behaviour of Dravidians


  1. They don’t mean what they say and they are the People without scruples and principles, the extension of this: No-principle is the principle of the party.

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