Compilation of 100 Religous Discourses

published on September 5, 2010

This is a compilation of select discourses from the book ‘The Hindu speaks on Religion’ Published by M/s Kasturi and Sons Ltd. Chennai – 2. We remain grateful to the Editor in-
Chief of the Hindu for granting permission to publish these articles in the form of a book.

The inspiration for this compilation goes back to 1970. At a meeting of important RSS workers held at Perambur near Chennai the then Chief of RSS Sri Guruji Golwalkar was trying to explain the audience the global mission of India offering an alternative pattern of life
based on the four fold values of life (i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha). While elaborating the point he asked how many in the audience read The Hindu news paper regularly. Many raised their hands with enthusiasm. He further asked as to how many go through the religious column appearing in the same highlighting vital aspects of dharmic life. Not many replied in the affirmative. He then expressed his appreciation for the service rendered by the paper for a noble cause and urged the audience to go through the column without fail.

Bearing this in mind a compilation of select discourses was made during the birth
centenary year of Shri Guruji (2005-06) and it is now brought in the form of a book. The book is published by the Sri Cultural and Educational Foundation, a voluntary body
functioning in memory of Sri R.Srinivasan (Former Principal of Vidya Mandhir, Mylapore)
and other dedicated teachers who lived upto the ideals found in these discourses.
In this initiative Sri S.Swaminathan (Retd. Deputy Registrar of Co op.Societies) helped us
in compiling the discourses, Ms. Pradipa helped us in typesetting the articles, Mrs. Vijayadurga Sivakumar went through the proof, Sri Gandhi favoured us with the illustration and Sri Karunakaran got it printed neatly. We remain grateful to all of them. The Publisher’s efforts will be amply rewarded if this compilation kindles an aspiration in the hearts of even a few to lead a life based on Dharma.

Religious Discourses

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