via K. Ramakrishnan published on December 17, 2006

BOOK REVIEW by K. Ramakrishnan


The Bhagavadgita is a treasure house of wisdom and it enlightens man of his Karma. The philosophy of Bhagavadgita is a useful tool for the transformation of social and cultural life; cleanse the body, mind soul and intellect.
The reason why the Bhagavadgita reads almost as fresh and still in its real substance as quite new even today is because it is directly connected with the questions of highest importance in human life and attempts to apply the most absolute and integral realisation to the outer actualities of man’s life and action.

The relevance of the Gita has been in a sense perennial right from the time it first appeared or was written into the frame of the Mahabharata. But considering that humanity is passing today through a grim and unprecedented crisis, we are bound to look into this great book with fresh eyes and compelling concern. 
 The book ‘Bhagavadgita and Modern Problems’ is a compilation of the papers presented in the ‘International Gita seminar’ conducted at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, in the second week of December 2000. 

 The papers rather than explaining and expatiating on the abstract philosophy of the Gita focus the light of Gita on the problems confronted by the contemporary generation.  It helps to finding solutions to those problems by bringing in the life giving message and the insight provided by the Gita.

 The papers were presented by saints, scholars, thinkers, and successful men in various fields of worldly life, both personal and public are included in the compilation. 

 The best available talents are brought together and the papers can be broadly classified into: Bhagavadgita and the problems faced by India, the world and Kerala.  The papers included in the collection are the products of profound scholarship and in-depth study of the Bhagavadgita.

 The publishers have indeed done edifying service to the Bhagavadgita education in bringing out this volume in an attractive format.

Published by: Bharateeya Vichara Kendram, Samskriti Bhavan, Tutors lane, Statue, Thiruvananthapuram. 695 001.
Price: Rs.250/- Pages: 420. Phone: 0471-3018031/35.
[email protected]


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