Asianet slaps Hindus on their face

published on November 19, 2010

Asianet shocked millions of Hindus across the world by honoring one of the most anti Hindu and anti nationalist criminal M.F Hussain at their awards ceremony held in Dubai. This program will be telecast by Asianet channel very soon.It seems that Asianet, who began its Middle East version just to earn more Dhirams and Rials, has no other alternative but to invite well known criminals like M.F. Hussain to please the Islamic Jihadis.

Readers will remember that Hussain is the man who painted Hindu Gods and Goddesses in the nude and in vulgar scenes. One of his paintings shows Hanuman sitting on the thigh of a nude Sita Devi. Another shows
an animal having sex with a Hindu goddess.

But this allegedly great painter took care to paint Prophet Mohammed’s mother and Mother Teresa fully and decently clothed. He did not dare to play any mischief with them because he knew the consequences of upsetting the Muslims and Christians. He chose to take liberties with Hindu Gods and Goddesses because he knew that Hindu society would not react violently or in an organized manner.

It was only after several years of such ‘artistic’ mischief that some pro-Hindu organisations took notice and started protesting. Of course, India’s media, particularly Kerala’s most notorious media, fully backed Hussain and not his victims, that is, Hindu society.

The present LDF government, particularly its ‘culture’ minister M A Baby, tried to present the Raja Ravi Award to this Hindu basher but could not succeed due to strong protests by Kerala-based pro-Hindu organisations.

Hussain is now living comfortably in oil-and-gas-rich Qatar after seeking and getting its citizenship after blaming pro-Hindu organisations like Shiv Sena and Bajrangdal for not being able to return home out of fear of them.

Patriotic Malayali Hindus must make Asianet suffer for insulting Hindu
society by honouring this hard-core anti-Hindu criminal painter. Apart
from the fact that his paintings have no artistic merit at all, he has made an excellent living by insulting Hindus with the support of India’s ‘secular’ political parties and evil media.

The least Kerala Hindus can do is to write to Asianet at their e-mail address ([email protected]) protesting against this action. It will also be good if they can phone them to register our displeasure. But our protests will have to be muscular if they have to desire effect. At least this anti national channel may think twice before deliberately slapping Hindus on their face again.

One pointed question our alert readers can ask Asianet is this: “will
you dare to invite Salman Rushie and Taslima Nasreen (both of whom
have criticized Islam) and honour them at a public function in the
Gulf or in India?” If you do so, Hindu society & majority of your viewers can accept your channel as a secular, independent and impartial Malayalam channel.

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