Amruthanaada Upanishad , Viduropadesha ,Sceintific and Technological Message & IISH Achievements

via IISH Communication Team - published on November 6, 2008


Amrutha naada Upanishad  has  38 lines only. This Upanishad explains 

1. Description of the  yogic state.

2. Symbolic explanation of a yogi’s   marching towards the  Brahma padam is given    .

3.  The chariot used for the  march (jeevitha yaathra)  is omkaara,  the charioteer is Mahavishnu.   The  road to reach the  destination is meditation.

4. The resting places  are rudrapooja locations and the ultimate aim is Brahma loka praapti (Brahma saakshaathkaara).

5. The six  organs  are like the shadangas of yoga and they arepraanaayaama, prathyahaara, dhyaana, dharana, thaaraka, samaadhi.

6.  Three types of praanaayaama are  explained here  as the ruchira, rechaka and  pooraka .

7. Three states of mind mentioned here  are the  dhaarana, dhaarana  and samaadhi states.

8. Detailed directions are   given  to  follow the  pathway of yoga right 

from yogic sitting ,  body posture, breathing, focusing the eyes  and mind, exciting the kundalini  to attain a high level of the yogic state.

9.  In the last part of this Upanishad,  excellent description of the pancha bhootha  is given as:  pruthvi has  five parts, ap has four, theja has three, vaayu  two and aakaasa has  one part ( here the part is mentioned as  maatra) says the Upanishad.


@22 days  long  bharatha paryatana  theertha yaathra  touching more than  50 most important spiritual and historical locations and pilgrim centers, crossing   12 states and Nepal was commenced on 1st week of October and ended in  28th of the month, in which more than  22 delegates participated. The total cost of the theertha yaathra was less than Rs. 7500  including  ticket fare, food and accommodation coordinated by Sri. Somasundaram, Palakkad.

@  Excellent knowledge centre has been developed in the website,

@ Lectures were organized in Trivandrum

211. Controlling the senses  are inevitable for a leader, if could not practice it, the   life can become miserable .

212.  Those who  live an  unrestricted/ uncontrolled  life  will have to face many problems in life  and the problems  will increase like the size of the moon from  new moon to full moon.

213.  A  leader without self control will fail  always. 

214.  A leader should also have  full control of his mind and   sensory and functional  organs 

215.  The most important duty of a leader is to control himself  through the mind control particularly from anger and fear  

216 This leader can definitely control all his  subordinates and through them others  including his enemies. 

217.  A leader should remember that  his body is like the chariot, wisdom is he charioteer, sensory and functional organs are the horses

218. The wise  leader who can  control /guide the horses /organs perfectly  can travel calmly and live  happily. 

219.  The leader who can control  the  organs and the mind  , punish the  criminals, evaluate the  quality of his colleagues,  act after systematic analyses/ thinking, that leader  will live in prosperity and get the things done  quickly.

220. Untrained / uncontrolled horses  (senses) create problem while  driving the chariot (body)  like that  uncontrolled senses can create  problem, even death.


50. The composition of the copper obtained from Thakshasila  was 99% copper, 0 .52 % silicon, 0.36% iron. 

51. A shipwreck salvaged  near the Turkey cost in Europe had large  number of copper ingots, which had the same  composition, size and shape  of the copper ingots obtained  from Lothal, Gujarat.

52.  This ship wreck ingot was (estimated) produced in the 2nd millennia in  India. 

53. Till 16th century the tin metallurgy or even the  tin  metal  was unknown to  Europeans.

54. Agricola,  a metal  smith introduced tin to Europeans  in the 16th century.

56. Yajurveda gives an alloy namely thrapu  which is made of tin . 

56. The bronze  vessel obtained from Thakshasila had  20 % tin in it. 

57. Artha saastram of Koutilya tells that ooshara karbura pakva loshta varna vaa thrapu dhaatu = the tin ore ( cassetterite ) is grey saline or brown like burnt earth in color.

58. Detailed description of  tin metallurgy is given in Rasarnava 11th century Indian chemistry text.

59. Rasopanishad describes only about tin , its metallurgy and alloys.

60. Rasaratnakara gives detailed description of the  tin metallurgy  and many salts, oxides, and alloys of  tin.


 How many books we have  is less important than how many books we have read. How  much we have read is less important than how much we  understood. How much we  understood is less important  than how much we  practice. How much we  practice is less important than  how much we have improved through the practice .

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