Akshaya Trutiya – an auspicious day for Hindus

published on May 9, 2013

Vaishakha Shukla 3 (13 May 2013)

Akshaya Trutiya is one of the three and a half muhurts (Auspicious times) in a year. Some say it is the day which marks the beginning of the Krutayug or the Tretayug.

‘The holy text Madanratna explains how the third day (trutiya) of the bright half of Vaishakh acquired its name thus. – (Lord Krushna says) ‘O Yudhishthir, the offerings made and the oblations offered in the sacrificial fire (havan) on this day never go in vain. Hence sages have imparted the name Akshay trutiya to this day. Everything done on this day for the sake of deities and ancestors is permanent.’
Akshay Trutiya is significant, as according to some it is the beginning of the Krutayug or the Tretayug. Since Indians always consider the first day of any time period to be auspicious, the scriptures prescribe rituals like ritualistic bathing, donations (dan), etc. on such days. The ritual performed on this day encompasses a bath with sacred water, ritualistic worship (puja) of Lord Vishnu, chanting, a sacrificial fire (hom), donations and offerings to ancestors (pitrutarpan). The scriptures recommend a rite for the departed (shraddha) without the use of rice balls (pinga) if feasible, or atleast an offering of sesame seeds.
Whatever donations (danam), homam, etc. done on this day, never go unfruitful.

Spiritual significance of ‘Akshay Trutiya’
1.By doing spiritual acitivites, more spiritual benefit is obtained : A combination of frequencies of ‘Brahma’ and ‘Sree Vishnu’ come from the region of Supreme Deities i.e. ‘Sagun-lok’ to the Earth due to which the ‘sattvikta (pre-dominance of ‘Sattva’ component)’ on the Earth increases by 10%. By chanting God’s Name, giving donations, etc. we get much more spiritual benefit.
2.Benefits of offering tilatarpan to Deities and ancestors : Whatever rituals are done for Deities and ancestors on this day, do not go in vain. Hence, Tilatarpan (Sesame or til and water) is offered. Sesame is a symbol of Sattvikta and water is a symbol of pure bhav (spiritual emotion).
2 a. Make an offering of ‘Tiltarpan’ means to offer to the Deities the ‘bhav’ of gratitude and surrender in the form of sesame (til). God has everything so what can we offer to Him? There should also be no ego (aham) that ‘I am offering something to God.’ While offering ’til’, have the ‘bhav’ that ‘God is getting everything done from me’ as it will not increase the ego of a seeker but will increase his ‘bhav’. To offer ‘Tiltarpan’ means to offer the ‘bhav’ of gratitude and surrender to God in the form of sesame.
2 b. Inorder for our ancestors to get sadgati, do apindaka (shradham without pindam) shradha on this day. If it is not possible to do shradha, atleast do tilatarpan.

Do ‘Satpatre Danam’ on Akshay Trutiya
We get ‘punyam’ by giving donations by way of wealth. But by giving ‘Satpatre Danam’ (giving donations to those who are worthy) through body, mind and wealth, the donor gets spiritual benefit.
1.Inorder for our donation to be ‘Satpatre’, offer articles or wealth to Saints, persons doing religious activities, organisations doing dharmaprasar (spread of apirituality), for spiritual activities, etc.
2.Participating in spiritual activities – Stopping atrocities on Dharma, participating in dharmaprasar, participating in activities for the protection of Dharma, etc. are ways by which we can sacrifice our body.
3.Chanting Name of one’s own Kuladevata, praying to Kuladevata, etc. are means by which we can sacrifice our mind.
When an offering is made to a deserving person, the benefit is spiritual progress and going to a higher region instead of heaven : Making offerings is a virtuous act. The offering made on Akshay Trutiya never wanes; in fact, one gets more benefit out of the offering made on Akshay Trutiya. As lots of virtues are gained by the seeker, sins committed by him in his previous births reduce and his virtues increase. This can help the ‘jeeva (embodied soul)’ to attain heaven; but a seeker does not want to go to heaven by gaining virtues as his goal is to attain God. A seeker should, therefore, make an offering to a deserving person (Satpaatre Daan). Here, ‘satpaatre daan’ means to make an offering to such activities involving not only spiritual propagation but also activities towards the protection of the Nation and Dharma. Offering to a deserving person will accrue no virtue for the donor but the offering will become ‘Akarma karma (non action, without any doership)’ leading to his spiritual progress. Thus, a seeker will go to a higher ‘loka (region)’ due to his spiritual progress.

Offer ‘Satpatre danam’ by sacrificing body, mind
and wealth not only on Akshay Trutiya day, but everytime!

Courtesy : H.H. Dr. Jayant Balaji Athavle (Founder of Sanatan Sanstha)

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