A Snippet on Sanathana DhaRMam

published on July 13, 2013

Our spiritual heritage is not a cult or a creed. It is not a dogma, or a one-way single path to heaven. It is multiple lane Super highway for moksham, which is the merger of jeevAtman with paramAtman. It is not even just a religion as such; nor is it just a way of life. It is the complete and comprehensive collection of divine knowledge of the Absolute Truth, which, when learned and practiced; can lead people to the experience of the Absolute and the Ultimate Bliss. It is a continuously evolving and absorbing science; ‘The Science of the Absolute’, a flexible body of Divine knowledge centered on the quest of the jeevAtman (for the English speaking world, we may refer this as soul) for its’ birthright, ‘the divine realization’. In addition, it makes provisions for all jeevAtman in this quest. Yet, it remains immeasurable as it safeguards the very purpose of all life everywhere and in all things. We may call It Sanathana DhaRMam, but never categorize it just as a religion, or just as a way of life. It is much Greater and Spiritual than both. The wise called it ‘The Science of Spirituality’, ‘The Science of the Absolute’, ‘The Science of the Self’ or ‘The Science of the Soul’. It is braHMavidya

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