A Centre Striving to preserve and Propagate Tantric Teaching

via http://shripuram.org/ published on September 29, 2009

Vaidika and Tantrika cults have co-existed in Bharath from very ancient period. From that time itself, Tantra was confined to a few people. If the theory and practice of Tantra are understood and accepted widely, there will not be any class difference among human beings.

At Shripuram a group of people dedicated themselves to the study and teaching of Tantra are striving to preserve and propagate the philosophy and practice of Tantra.

Shripuram Trust was established in the year 2006. Trust is located in a serene peaceful village, Madayikkonam near Irinjalakkuda in Thrissur District. Shri. Girishkumar L. is the founder chairman of the trust. He is a well-known personality in spiritual as well as cultural circles. He is the disciple of Shri. Madhavji who was an acharya and a guiding light in the field of Tantra.

What is Tantra?  

Tantra means technique-a technique for the fulfillment of desires.  Man has no control over his desires. A desire is claimed as one’s own only after it comes to one’s mind. Desires are products of latent tendencies / vasanas. Through the fulfillment of the desires,‘vasanas’ are eliminated. Tantra provides the methodology whereby, through the fulfillment of one’s desires, liberation is attained. Liberation  means understanding one’s own nature.From that understanding, one realizes that the world is nothing but the manifestation of the consciousness of which we are,but only a part. It is also a way of living which provides aesthetic enjoyment and knowledge. There is a shortage of proper understanding and practice of Tantra in today’s world.  According to Abhinavagupta, a 10th century Tantra scholar who lived in Kashmir, Tantrasastra is the best among all sastras.

The Objectives of the Trust

The main intention of Shripuram Trust is to propagate the humanitarian aspect of Tantra in today’s world which is lacking in its understanding of this powerful Sastra.Our help is extended to those people who are genuinely interested in and are keen to understand and study Tantra in systematic manner. To preserve, we digitize manuscripts both palm-leaf and paper.For propagation, we study the manuscripts and try to revive the ancient rituals for the benefit of the mankind.

Know more about SHRIPURAM Tantra Research Centre
Check – http://shripuram.org/

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