Foreign Sceintists who exposed EVM frauds harrassed in India

via HK published on December 13, 2010

New Delhi: Alex Halderman and Rop Gonggrijp, Two US based Sceintists who exposed the flaws of Indian Electronic Voting Machines along with Indian Sceintist Hariprasad were arrested by Airport authorities immediately as they landed in New Delhi. Later they were set off with out giving any reason for the detention.Earlier Hariprasad was arrested by Election Commission and now they went a step ahead and harassed foreign scientists for questioning the genuineness of Indian EVM’s.

If you are a foreigner and you are here to loot the Nation or here as part of Conversion Mafia, you will be treated well by Indian authorities – But don’t dare to question the pollcheats and their frauds , you will be behind the bars.

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