?Congress Dirty Tricks Dept. behind Prashant Bhushan attack

published on October 12, 2011



Senior Supreme Court advocate and key Team Anna member Prashant Bhushan was beaten up in his chamber on Wednesday afternoon by three youths.

It is a condemnable act and the guilty people should be punished without any delay. It is the general feeling and demand of the people of India.

At the same time, it is interesting to watch the following and an enquiry should be done to find whether any conspiracy is behind the attack or not.

Team Anna is against the Congress party as the Congress is not supporting the Janalokpal Bill and Team Anna’s stand is indirectly helping the BJP and NDA and Congress is worried about it.

The UPA Govt. is under tremendous pressure for multi crore scams one after another and there is a public anger against Congress and UPA.

Sri Advaniji’s Jana Chetan Yathra is in full swing and it attracts huge crowds everywhere. The general hope and positive peoples favor towards NDA is worrying the UPA.

It is reported that there was a TV interview by the Times Group at the time of the attack and they recorded the assault in detail and transmitted all over India and reported that the assault is done by Sri Ram Sena activists.

Within few minutes, the notorious Digvijay Singh of the Congress came with a sensational statement that it is done by a BJP youth worker as if he knows everything about the attack!

Sri Ram Sena Chief Mr. Pramod Mutalik categorically denied the charge and confirmed that his team is not behind the attack.

The possibility of a conspiracy behind the attack can not ruled out. There is a public anger against Congress and UPA and they fear that BJP and NDA will come to power in the next general elections.

If the name of a Hindu outfit is dragged and linked to such attack, it can create confusion and hatred among the voters against BJP and thereby the populous anti congress trend can be reversed and benefited!

It is interested to note the basics of Times Group available from the internet as under.

(Times Group is owned by Bennet & Coleman. ‘World Christian Council’ does 80 per cent of the funding, and an Englishman and an Italian equally share balance 20 percent. The Italian Robertio Mindo is a close relative of Sonia Gandhi.)

The Truth should come out and the guilty should be punished.

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