40 More Christian families Re – embrace Hinduism

via Agniveer - Press Release published on February 28, 2012

In an Agniveer sponsored event, 40 Christian families in Western UP reverted  back to Vedic Hindu Dharma yesterday jettisoning fanatic belief that those  who do not believe in some son of God would go to eternal Hell.

 Of these 40 families, one member from each family will receive training as  Purohit from Agniveer so that they become respected Brahmins and are able to  conduct religious and social rituals. Also they would be able to conduct  Vedic induction ritual for others. This is our way of slapping the faces of  casteism and blind evangelization.

 Also you would be glad to know that the person conducting the Shuddhi ritual  was an ex-father of church himself and several of those who came back to  religion of Ram and Krishna were Christian missionaries themselves.

 We are committed towards making a noble Brahmin out of every Dalit  Christian.

Learn more about Agniveer at http://agniveer.com/

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