‘Rohingya Muslims’ demad refugee status in India via UN – Learn more about ‘Rohingya Muslims’

published on May 14, 2012


From Dr Pravin Togadia, International Working President, Vishwa Hindu Parishad

Shri Manmohan ji Singh,
Hon. Prime Minister,
Govt of India
New Delhi

Subject: Infiltrators named ‘Rohingya Muslims’ from Bangla Desh in Delhi demanding refugee status from the United Nations (UN) through United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office in Delhi.

Information from various authentic sources & complaints that we received from the residents of the related areas in New Delhi and attached appendix (total 4) about terror links of Rohingya Muslims.

Dear Sir,

Jai Shreeram. With reference to the above, I hereby wish to draw your attention to the following extremely urgent issues related to India’s safety & security:

1.    Approximately 3000+ Rohingya Muslims infiltrated from Bangla Desh border & reached up to India’s capital New Delhi have parked themselves – men, women, children etc. – in various areas in & around New Delhi. Before we get into the basic question that how such a large number of infiltrating groups could even enter India’s border & reach nation’s capital, I wish to inform you that this large group of Rohingya Muslims has been creating danger & dirt for the residents of New Delhi especially near the UNHCR office in Vasant Vihar, demanding Refugee Status from the UN.

2. After much complaining & our peaceful intervention, these Rohingya Muslims have been now sheltered in the Mosques in the villages near Vasant Vihar area of New Delhi where the UNHCR office is located. They have been sheltered there by the Ex Vice Chancellor of Jamia Milia Islamic University Mr. Nawab Zafar Jung who also happens to be now a sitting member of the Government of India’s Monitoring Committee for Minority Education.

3. Holding a Govt post & yet helping the illegal infiltrators not only reach New Delhi all the way from the Bangla Desh – Myanmar border, but also sheltering them in the mosques nearby despite complaints by the local residents, is a completely anti-national activity by a Govt Committee member.

4. For your ready reference: Rohingya Muslims is the community that is born of Burmese (Myanmar) mothers & Bangla Desh Muslim Fathers & the community follows Islam. Staying in Arakan area at the border of Bangla Desh & Myanmar, they are internationally known for the massacres & ethnic cleansing of Buddhists (Chakma Buddhists & others) that Rohingya Muslims did just 10-15 years back.

5.Some of the survived Buddhists are still staying in the worse human conditions in India that is Bharat in Tripura & surrounding areas. Rohingyas are also known for killing thousands of people from Jumma Tribe in their area.

6. Rohingya Muslims, the way they have suddenly popped up in New Delhi with the help of local Muslims in Bharat, also tried to infiltrate Thailand & create terror there. Thailand has therefore banned the entry of Rohingya Muslims.  (Reference: Attached Appendix)

7.More so, as the said Rohingya Muslims have a track record of Jehadi Terrorism, not just in their own area that is a Arakan at Bangla Desh – Myanmar border, but also in Afghanistan, on Russia Border, Thailand & Saudi Arabia etc. (Please refer to the attached Appendix Number 1: Bin Laden & Rohingya Muslims – Weekly Blitz, Appendix 2: Paper – Suicide Jihadi Terrorism in Bangla Desh- by Shri B. Raman, Additional Secretary (Retd.), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt of India & Director, Institute for Tropical Studies, Chennai & other attached documents)  

8. The above documents by the authentic sources clearly prove that the Rohingya Muslims are directly involved in Jehadi Terror activities independently & also through their Terror outfit RSO (Rohingya Solidarity Organization). The above documents mentioned in my point number 7 also prove in no uncertain terms the serious links of Rohingya Muslims with HUJI, Al Qaeda, ISI, LET & other Jehadi operatives in Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Afghanistan & more importantly, in Jammu & Kashmir.

9. American Govt has issued a serious Jehadi Threat alert about the Rohingya Muslim community recently & also declared them terrorists since they fought hand in hand with Talibans in Afghanistan on the border of Russia during Afghanistan – Russia war. (Apart from the above ref documents: See Appendix 3: Bangla Desh- Breeding Ground for Terror – Asia Times printed interview of American Govt & Military officials – CNN) This clearly mentions specific Rohingya Muslims as Jehadi terror group having links with most Jehadi operatives for current & active Jehad.

10.There are over 40+ Lakh (4 Million) Rohingya Muslims in the world. They are spread as follows:

a)    Burma : 20 Lakh (2 M)
b)    Bangla Desh : 6 Lakhs (0.6 M)  
c)    Pakistan: 3.5 Lakh (0.35 M)  
d)    Saudi Arabia: 4 Lakh (0.4 M)
e)    Thailand: 1 Lakh (0.1 M)

11.Rohingya Muslims’ mother country Myanmar, with the new democratic rule there now, has asked them to get out due to their Jehadi activities & mainly because of their war against Myanmar for creating a separate Islamic State – Arakan.

12. After using Rohingya Muslims for spreading Jehadi terror all over the world, in Myanmar & in Bharat, now Bangla Desh has realized that globally Rohingya Muslims are now exposed in Jehadi Terror & creating a separate state dividing Bangla Desh, now their father’s country Bangla Desh also is chasing them out.

13. After trying to settle in Thailand etc & being shunned everywhere because of Jehadi Terror links, now the Rohingya Muslims have fixed their eyes on India that is Bharat. Therefore, over 3000+ of them have parked themselves in & around capital New Delhi demanding Refugee Status by the UN.

14. With men, women, children (2 women even delivered kids in Delhi recently!), these Rohingya Muslims are now playing a diplomatic Jehadi war against Bharat by pushing the UN to give them Refugee status. This means that Bharat will never be then able to ask them to leave Bharat irrespective of their Jehadi Terror links or activities. At this moment only 3000+ Rohingya Muslims are seen in Delhi, but the way they entered Bharat all the way from Bangla Desh border, proves that they have strong support from either the Jehadi groups in Bharat or/ and by the Govts. Otherwise without any interruption, such a large group of infiltrators known for Jehad would have never reached New Delhi. And after reaching there, would not have been sheltered, supported & lobbied for by the Govt committee member.

15. The Rohingya Muslims, well taken care of by such groups & a few students unions in Delhi have been doing international Public Relations & lobbying projecting them as ‘victims’ of bangle Desh’s tyranny & therefore getting Refugee Status to force Govt of India to give them shelter, food, education, jobs & then citizenship to their kids. At this moment, even though only 3000+ are seen in Delhi, they either may be hiding all over India or waiting to hoard immediately in India once they get the Refugee status.

16. As the Rohingya Muslims are responsible for the massacre & ethnic cleansing of the peace loving Buddhists like Chakma Buddhists etc in the Arakan area near India border, any effort of Govt of India to help Rohingya Muslims will permanently spoil Indi’s relations with all Buddhists & Buddhist nations hurting over 100 Crore (1000 Million) Buddhists & more than that Hindus globally & in India!

Our Urgent Demands:

1.    Rohingya Muslims are known & proven Jehadi Terrorists condemned by & currently alerted about by the American & European Govts, Russian Govt & by the international terrorism research groups & institutions. Sheltering them in India means sheltering Jehadi Terror. We demand that the Govt of India immediately deport them from where they came without any further delay.

2.  There should be a blanket ban on the entry of the Rohingya Muslims into India from any border or by any means.

3. Govt of India should write to the United Nations & to UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in New York & in New Delhi NOT to give them any status (Refugee, Asylum Seeker or any such) ever.

4. As Rohingya Muslims are directly involved in the HUJI, IM, Pakistan’s ISI & other such Jehadi linked terror in Jammu & Kashmir as well as on the borders, those who helped them enter India, travel through various Indian states up till Delhi, gave them shelter & other help should immediately prosecuted for Treason & under all prevailing anti Terror laws.

5.Once it is found out exactly who are the people & institutions have been helping Jehadi Terror Group Rohingya Muslims, in India, such institutions should be banned & people running them should be prosecuted.

6. India that is Bharat already has been facing various Jehadi terror threats. Despite international terror alert about Rohingya Muslims, if Govt of India does not take immediate actions against them, then this would clearly mean a political decision to support Jehadi terror group. This will put Bharat’s safety & security in danger.

7. Considering the relations of India with America & Russia, sheltering the Rohingya Muslims despite these countries warning about them will permanently spoil India’s diplomatic relations with them. Therefore, Govt of India should take help from America & Russia to prevail on the UN for not giving Refugee status to Rohingya Muslims.

8.    This is an urgent matter as the Rohingya Muslims have been bragging that on May 15, 2012 they will get the Refugee status by the UN. Therefore, if the Govt of India is truly serious about the war against terror as it keeps on saying on various forums, then leaving aside the slow Govt processes, every step should be taken to stop the UN from giving Refugee status to the Rohingya Muslims as it will not only harm the majority of Bharat but will lead to the second partition as well as destruction of resources of Bharat with over 40 Lakh (4 Million) Rohingya Muslims putting their additional load on India with their Jehadi terror links!

Dhanyavaad & hoping for a quick & concrete action against Rohingya Muslims.

                                                                                        International Working President
                                                                                        Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Copy to:
1.    The Secretary General, United Nations, New York, USA
2.    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – HO, New York
3.    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – New Delhi
4.    The Hon. President – India
5.    The Home Minister, Govt of India
6.    The External Affairs Minister, Govt of India
7.    President, Russia
8.    President, United State of America
9.    The Hon. Chief Justice, Hon. Supreme Court of India
Attached Appendix:
1.    Bin Laden & Rohingya Muslims – Weekly Blitz
2.    Paper – Suicide Jihadi Terrorism in Bangla Desh- by Shri B. Raman, Additional Secretary (Retd.), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt of India & Director, Institute for Tropical Studies, Chennai
3.    Bangla Desh- Breeding Ground for Terror – Asia Times printed interview of American Govt & Military officials – CNN
4.    Rohingya Terrorism: Terrorism Monitor – Volume 6, Issue 10.

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