Salem – Justice to 123 Hindus after 5 years

published on September 10, 2012

Ganesh Chaturthi verdict brings cheers;
123 Hindus acquitted in a false case in Salem

Even as Ganesh Chaturthi (September 19, 2012) approaches the verdict by a Salem magistrate brought cheers to the hearts of 123 Hindus of Thammampatti in the district.  The magistrate dismissed various cases filed against these Hindus in an incident that happened in 2007, when they objected to the protest by hundreds of Muslims against installation of Ganesh idols in public places in the village. 

The protesting Hindus were lathi-charged in 2007 and cases against only the Hindus were filed by police; the entire village observed a bandh; black flags were hoisted on Hindu buildings.  The Hindu solidarity was maintained during the entire period of these five years, when the case dragged on.

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