‘My mission was to kill journalists, Hindu leaders’

published on October 14, 2012

Mohammad Akram Pasha is an educated youngster from Nanded in Maharshtra, who was in Bangalore as part of an operation to assassinate, reports Vicky Nanjappa

Mohammad Akram Pasha, 25, speaks flawless English and has no qualms admitting that he had come to Bangalore to eliminate journalists and Hindu leaders. Currently on a body warrant in Maharashtra, the Bangalore assassination plot was not the first time Akram has been involved in such a mission. A similar operation was planned in Maharashtra as well where Hindu leaders were targeted.

On Thursday, the Delhi police arrested three operatives of the Indian Mujahideen ; one of them being from Maharashtra. Police sources say that during questioning Akram revealed the name of one of the youngsters, which helped them carry out the arrest and prevent the attack.

Akram, according to the police, is associated with the Lashkar-e-Tayiba and is part of the same module that Abu Jundal (key handler in the 26/11 Mumbai  attack) was part of. Although the two have never been in contact, Akram too subscribes to the same ideology.

Akram, who hails from Nanded in Maharashtra, during interrogation, was calm and composed, answering questions with confidence.

The last time he was produced before a court in Bangalore, Akram was asked whether he was aware of the charges pressed against him and whether he would like to be told about it. Akram replied saying that he was aware of what he was booked for.

When asked why he had come to Bangalore, he answered, “I came here to kill journalists and that was my mission.” To a question as to who was guiding him in this operation, he said it was Zakir Ustaad. “I have no qualms in admitting the mission I was about to undertake.”

Read Full Report by Vicky Nanjappa @


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