Caterers cooking train food in filth and sewage

published on November 12, 2012

Civic body finds caterers cooking train food in filth and sewage- Suitable remedial action requested.

We wish to introduce ourselves as AKHIL BHARATHEEYA GRAHAK PANCHAYAT (ABGP):  An All  India Consumer  Movement  started in  September 1974./  It  has , All  India  Registration  No :S/9194. Delhi. ABGP is now having its branches in 34 States.

We wish you and all IR employees’ A Happy Diwali. We also congratulate your good self for taking charge as Minister for Railways, which is one of the world’s largest railway networks and fourth largest commercial or utility employer with over 1.4 million employees. We are proud about IR which carries about 7,500 million passengers annually or more than 20 million passengers daily.

However, we desire to bring it to your kind and immediate attention, a news item in The Times of India, Chennai / Friday, November 9, 2012 in page no 2, which is appalling. A copy of the news report is attached for your reference.     
 “Chennai Corporation officials on Wednesday found that two caterers contracted to supply food to the railways had subcontracted the work to cooks in Egmore, who were preparing food, meant for train passengers, on the terrace of a building in the midst of over flowing sewage….Orders issued by Chennai Corporation to seal the building.” It is learnt that Catering firms’ contracts are subject to clearance by a health inspector and  Railways health Inspectors inspect kitchens, where food is cooked only twice during the contract period.        When more public  prefer to travel by trains, it is the duty of the IR to ensure that the Rail Passengers travel  is safe in all the aspects. World Health Day 2012 Theme is “good  Health  adds  life  to  years.’   Under the circumstances, you will agree Sir, that food prepared in such unhygienic conditions could only   lead to an outbreak of disease among passengers. When Government is spending in Billions with the motive ” A Health Citizen contributes to the making of a  Healthy nation”. This object   will be achieved only if,  IR officials are dutiful with Commitment and discharge their duties to the satisfaction of the travelling passengers.

We request IR to take necessary action against the erring officials and to ensure the safety of the Rail passengers at all costs.              

Thanking you,                                                  
Yours faithfully,                                                                                                                
Tamil Nadu Coordinator                                                                            M.K.Balasubrmanian                                                                  
National Council Member and Chennai Coordinator.         

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