Sonia ‘Chamchas’ tried to save Kasab

published on January 29, 2013

An RTI query filed by Dr Subrahmanyam Swami revealed the names two ‘Chamchas’ of Sonia Gandhi along with other ‘pseudo’ intellectuals and Jihadi sympathisers demanding clemency to Ajmal Kasab.

National Advisory Council chaired by Sonia Gandhi known as ‘Shadow Cabinet’ is advicing Prime Minister on Key areas of administration. Aruna Roy who is currently a member of NAC and Harsh Mander a former NAC advisor have signed the joined petition to President demanding clemency for Ajmal Kasab. Harsh Mander is still part of the coterie pulling strings to grant clemency to Afzal Guru.

It seems Anti Indianness and Anti Hindu attitude seem to be two key ‘specialisation’ one need to get hand-picked by Sonia Gandhi for advising Nation’s Prime Minister.

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