NaMo vs SoGa-RaGa

published on April 8, 2013

Next General Elections are going to be very critical for India ’s future and more so for the interests of the majority community. The battle lines have been drawn with Pandavas led by NaMo on one side and Kauravas led by SoGa-RaGa on the opposite.  The abbreviations carry more meanings than the actual words. NaMo stands for “welcome” and SoGa-RaGa means “sad tune”.  The choice before Indian voters is crystal clear and one can only hope that the so-called illiterate but enlightened Indian electorate do not make the fatal mistake. But a lot depends on how the leaders play it out in the electoral battle field.

Many of the leaders on either side can be easily identified with the Mahabharata epic, except that Sikandi is with the Kauravas this time. Of course, SoGa-RaGa represents the Gandhari-Duryodhan combine. Gandharis in the past and present always represent anti-Bharat forces like Taliban and Romans. And Duryodhan is the classic icon of arrogance, stupidity and evil lineage (DNA). Then we have enough and more of Sakunis in the form of Manishankars, Digvijays, Ahmeds, Oscars, Antonys etc., and the one and only Sikandi which cannot be mistaken by anyone. If the Kauravas succeed this time, the damage to Bharat Mata due to repeated Sikandi-rule will be of irreparable nature.
We still do not know anything about the divine intervention by Lord Krishna in the dharmic battle ahead. Individuals may not appear on the scene from no where. Instead, events and unexpected developments can play the role of Lord Krishna in Pandavas’ favour. NaMo has proved his mettle and has shown the development path to six crore Gujaratis. He will definitely repeat the same to a billion Indians if an opportunity is given. He was a national leader before he became Gujarat CM and he can carry all Indians along in the path to another golden era in the history of Bharat. “India First” is the best slogan that political India has heard for a very long time.

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