Hindus ….Let us Make it Happen!

published on November 10, 2013


You might find yourself wondering what Sri Narendra Modi can be do to India to change our nation’s course. Modi and his nationalist team can create a revolution in the hearts and minds of more than one billion Hindus around the world. Modi can change India and the world, forever. But the path forward is not easy or clear-cut. The abuses being perpetrated by the pseudo-secular, anti-national, and anti-Hindu Congress party, Islamists and Converted Christians, Marxists miscreants, Maoist Mischief mongers, and the Hindu betrayers and sell-out crowd are just obvious now.

BEWARE OF MENTAL MISDIRECTION India is suffering. Corruption, inflation, Pakistan printed Indian currency distribution, coercive religious conversion, deception of the media, Jihadi terrorism, and outright corruption. And criminal politicians and their cohorts have destroyed the moral and social fabric of Hindu society. But instead of rising with a collective voice, Hindus sit idly and watch as hard won freedoms and Hindu culture dissolve into a puddle of denial apathy, indifference, Islamic appeasement and outright corruption. Hindus feel helpless and hopelessness, as we hear confusing debates over obscure issues play out on the media daily. But that is mental misdirection, a psychological ploy, a deceptive lie. The division among Hindus is promoted by cunning politicians and paid psychological warfare agents is a simple ploy to keep Hindus from uniting. After all, our political leaders who fight among themselves over petty differences are too busy to notice the real cause of India’s problems. As we read of the immense harm that our leaders have done, you might find yourself wondering what can be done to change the course. We know what our BJP leader Advani has done is a bane than a benefit. REDEFINING INDIA MODI is a revolutionary. He can use his sharp tongue and we will defeat Muslims walking around with sharp knives. We know that India and Hindus around the world need a revolutionary and creative extremist. MODI is an integrative leader, an inventive and effective political leader. India and Hindus are faced with constant Islamic aggression, coercive religious conversion, deceptive media, crime and violence. Modi can overcome corruption, oppression, aggression, crime and violence. Modi and his BJP team can evolve any conflict by means of rejecting revenge, retaliation, and aggression. QUIT PASSIVITY India was enslaved by Invaders and Colonists because of habitual Passivism and misapplied Pacifism of hindus. Anti Hindu forces trap Hindu minds by cajoling them with a sense of moral smugness to abandon their self interests. They make the average Hindu to feel proud in Disowning his own good and sweat for the causes that target his lands and women folk. The entrapped Hindu is satisfied with misleading Neutrality and goes to sleep with tags of being Secular oblivious of what is happening to his land and his community all around. This is not genuine Humanism but being fall guys for anti humanist ideologies like Islamofascism and Evangelist neocolonialism. This is why Swami Vivekananda declared emphatically that if Hinduism disappears from the world then all humanism will evaporate. Was he not prophetic when we see the so called Clash of civilizations happening all over the world-The Islamist violence is escalating and erupting like so many volcanoes and Western Christendom fighting fires. The world needs the humanist message of Hinduism to save it from perdition of World War III. For that Hindus must acquire spine to articulate the Humanist essence of Hindu Dharma- its Pleuralism, and its Peacefulness and Freedom of Paths that is unique. As opposed to Exclusivist and Intolerant faith systems that is setting the world in fire. For that Hindus must be able to retain their homeland and their ability to offer sanatana dharma to the world and its wonderful Yoga systems. IF Hindus stop believing in secular myth makers, set aside personalities and age and opt for the universalist philosophy of Hindutva, this common sense above political rhetoric, yes we can we can have a great country. Do not remain passive or neutral. Do not sit idly or do not our enemies speak for ourselves. Silence, passivity and irrational tolerance had gotten us nowhere. It is a golden opportunity for our collective voice to make a simple yet powerful demand: “We are Hindus and that is why We are Indians”. LET US SUPPORT NARENDRA MODI. He can unite us. He can shower us the light of common sense. Let us use his mission to earnestly uncover the challenges, treachery and truth. Let us practice our Dharma, protect it and promote it for the benefit of the entire humanity. Even though this Erosion is happening to our numbers and members of this only Hindu Homeland.


We are Hindus and still in a majority even as this demographic erosion and psychological misdirection is accelerating.

But we are still Indians because India is still predominantly Hindu.

So let us understand that clearly and tell the enemies persuading us to work for their inserted clauses and agendas.

Let us stop parroting like tutored idiots inanities like “We are not Hindus we are not communal’ and serve as some amorphous pawns in our enemies’ chess board.

Say -Yes We are Hindus, and that is exactly why this is still India.

We will never allow that anymore to be challenged.

We must never acquiesce with unbecoming Disowning of Hindu Identity and Self interest to gain accolades from enemies of Mother India.

The secularity pundits and their incessant Thought Insertions want India changed with our own assent and collaboration with their misdeeds-

So they hope that in a century it becomes a Nagaland, Pakistan, Bangladesh and finally Kashmiriat, Mallapuram, Christolands and get morphed and lost as splintered Moghulistan.

Yes we can and we will….and the zombie macaulays are even so unaware of our own Great Thinkers that this was a winner slogan Obama’s speech writers took from Vivekananda.

So let us bring this change first and chant Namo Bharati !

This is the Hour of India. Hour of the Hindus and let us not allow this golden Hour to pass by and cast our Hindu Nation by history’s sidewalk.

Hindus ….let us Make it happen.

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